***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I have a yogurt maker. You need to add the plain yogurt or starter between 110-115F (ideally is 112F). The temperature for the incubation of the yogurt bacteria is in that range. At 120F you will kill it, at 90F is inactive. Good luck with your experiment.
Well, the incubator is in use currently. I'll have to get the chicks out of it and sterilize the crap out of it (literally) before I'd trust it with yogurt, even in a sterile bowl.
Lynn, I have a 65 g you can have that would be way better for fish since the glass is clear. It's 36"x18" & 23" tall. The tank has been filled with water and snails for a year & I've gradually been feeding the snails to my Clown Loaches. It's got a glass lid and filter if you were wanting it for fish. I don't want any money for it, just a good home for it lol
The silkie hen is sitting on her eggs in our atwoods rabbit hutch. We put the hutch inside one of the grow out pens. I held her & gave her water while DD candled the eggs. Once we put her in the hutch she spent 5 minutes checking out the chicks in the pen she had never seen before. Then she went back to business sitting on her eggs. The food & water is down the ramp below her. The other cage she was in had food & water down the ramp also hopefully she will find it when she is ready. If not we can move the food & water up top.
She is sitting on 14 eggs. They are here & another bantam mix that was in the coop. After the hatch I will give her a week or 2 in the hutch then move the hutch into a cattle panel style hoop house. I am sure we won't be able to rehome any of these chicks since Taron will not want to break up the family.
I second that! Hardware cloth.

Lowe's sells a plastic hardware cloth. A 15' roll is about $12 or $13 and it's so easy to use to roll out and use wherever you need it. When my silky hens started hatching their babies, I used it to line their pen until the chicks were big enough not to go through the 1" chicken wire. I attach it with zip ties. That way, it's easy to take down when I want to use it somewhere else.
It was great to see you and your family too, Greybear/Lynn! Now after wishing these broody hens would just "get over it" I'm praying they stick with it since they'll have fertilized eggs to sit on. Thanks so much for showing me all your chickens - you have a great setup and some beautiful birds.

(Thank goodness that cute little fluff of a Siamese-marked kitty was still too young for me to take home!)
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Christina, given the fact she's a Silkie my guess is she won't miss a beat and will stay sitting. If not then you'll have finally hit on a way to get a Silkie off the nest.
For Mother's Day my daughter and husband and I used 2x4's and tin & roofed the 3 remaining pens in the back that didn't have roofs for shade. We just roofed 6x10 of the 10x10 pens for now and will do the remaining later on down the road. It goes fast once you get going. I was in a panic to get some sort of roofing for shade. That's why we've been trying so hard to get the chain link fence up in back under the trees-my Cochin girls have too little shade in just their pen. They've got an 8x8 building but even with a fan going it got hot in there when it was only in the 90's. I remember so many people lost birds last year in the heat and that scares me. I'm trying to give all the pens in the back access to a shaded chain link fence yard. Then when I mowed yesterday and got to walking around my eyes saw ALL this room where I could put fences and yards
The Ameraucanas will hatch in 2 wks (if I get lucky) and God & Joe willing I'll get some Aracauna chicks in a month. Everyone's pen and yard will be done & ready. It'll be getting too hot to hatch and try to brood chicks so I want to just finally sit back and enjoy these new batches of chicks and decide how to enlarge all their yards. I don't see where you all get the energy to hatch hundreds of chicks. Maybe I'm just old lol
My Cochins have shade cloth and cross ventilation. They were fine untill it got in the 100*s
I need some help from you guys. I know that several of you raise guineas, but even though I've been scanning through the posts, there are just too many to sort through. I need some guinea eggs for hatching. It doesn't matter what color. My friend bought 2 dozen at a sale four weeks ago and out of them, about 18 candled clear and the other 6 were early quitters. I told her I would check on here and see what I could find, so she can try again. So, if anyone has guinea eggs to sell, please let me know. I'd prefer to find some around the central part of the state, just for convenience sake, but anywhere is a possibility.....
OkieT DD is willing to share the eggs from her free range guineas when she finds them..... Only problem is I have no idea where there new nest is..... They are very sneaky sometimes.

How soon did she candle the eggs? I give them at least 10 days when I am unsure. Guineas are harder to candle than chicken eggs.

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