Okies in the BYC The Original

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Stray, since it made it this far there is still hope if there is no nerve damage preventing it from moving. Sometimes too a nerve can be pinched from swelling and movement will return after the swelling goes down.

Another thing is that it could just be too sore to try to move too much. Chickens are tough critters.

Teach I bet you did better than you think you did, just have faith.
I had one for him, put it in a box in the back of my truck the darn thing found a way out.
next time I will get a rattler and let you have some fun with it:D
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The quail eggs I got from Teach have hatched.
I have all colors. We are having fun just watching them. I still have some eggs that didn't hatch in the incubator. How long should I leave them in there? They were due yesterday and I had a 1 hatch early this morning. I don't hear anything else going on. Didn't know if quail would have stragglers like chickens. I think I am hooked on these little guys. They are too cute! Plus they are a welcome distraction since I am now a day passed my due date...
Hi Okie-folks! Teach & shidalgo - you guys are cracking me up!

It's raining outside right now... What?

I'm heading out to Beaver (OK Panhandle) for the weekend with my parents....Beware - here comes a rant:
Apparently my dad has been in and out of the hospital in Amarillo and is now under strict doctor's orders to stop whatever he has going and get some rest. I knew nothing about any of this until I called on Father's Day and he's at home alone laying down because he's too sick to do anything. I called again yesterday and he's still under the weather. I ask him nicely to please let me know when he's sick or going to the hospital (or in the hospital) so I'll know how to pray for him better. He says "I don't want to worry you, it's my own fault, I know you're busy, etc. etc." ????!!! How do I respond to that? I don't want to seem mad at him (although I kind of am). But I don't want to get a call from my stepmom or aunt telling me my dad has died or is dying in the hospital and I never knew anything about it. My dad has always been the "walk it off" kind of guy when it comes to injuries or illness...and I understand that - but please!! Gah! Parents!
Okay, I'm done - thanks.
Cleochick - I always wait a couple days because there always seems to be a few straglers...glad you got a good assortment of colors...they are addicting and way fun to watch run around!

City - You are headed to Beaver!!! Bring a pet carrier! You need some birds! I know what you mean about parents. I am always the last to know stuff about my mom. She tells the middle sister minor stuff like she broke her foot and is going to have surgery...and figures that is good enough...I live so far away and such and am busy.
Then gets mad when I act like nothing is wrong
HELLO!!! I figure the best response is to love them and remember that in her eyes i am still about 4 years old! I honestly think she is surprised that i can cook for myself!
Last time you got close to a rattler you almost got bit and whined about it for 2 weeks!
You big baby! I still have one in the garage! oops...don't tell my wife
Hey Okes

Boy it's hot here already.

City, I think a lot of that for our parents is "If I don't acknowledge it, it's not really happening". My mom was the same way and we lived in the same house!! I had to ferret out info in the most bizarre ways. Add a tough guy personna and you are really stuck!! It is what it is. Parents are tough, just do the best ya can. And pray that God will reveal to you what you need to know to help care for him! God is so faithful.

Teach, I hope your test went better than you think. We are our own worst critic at times. You and Sean (?) fighting over the snake is hilarious. Somewhere the snake is guffawing!

Monty, hope you are holding up OK and the funeral went as well as it could. Your in my thoughts and prayers.

Yesterday was long. I was beat. I scraped that ceiling in the morning then went and worked out in the afternoon. I don't even remember going to bed!!

The Taliban has kidnapped one of our soldiers. I would tell them they have 2 hours to cough him up or I would make a hole out of their little area and use the melted sand to make souveniers. I am so sick of "dialogue" and "diplomacy" I could urp. I would tell them... I'm coming and I'm bringing something that is going to change your whole landscape for years to come. Might not get them off their behind, but I guarantee ya, the next fools (North Korea) might think a second time before screwing with us. Kill them all, let God sort them out.

I'm over it now.

Y'all stay safe and stay outta the heat.
(*She said as she headed for the chicken coop*)
Teach! What am I saying - I know I can't have any more critters at my place. You're using your Jedi mind powers on me, I can tell!

Thanks HennyP - you're so right about God helping me know what I should or shouldn't say - thanks for the reminder!
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