Okies in the BYC The Original

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So I have to go to the post office today and send off another dozen AGB eggs. This is the 3rd dozen I've sold so far since they started laying a few weeks ago. I thought for sure I was picing them to high at $60 a dozen, but I have people waiting in line for them, go figure. I'm also hatching more of them and will have some started birds a little later if anyone is interested in them.
When you have wonderful birds, folks will pay for the opportunity to get some like them. Congratulations on your breeding program.
I'm glad she's happy with them. I don't know if you'll remember but back in early fall I bought a bucket load of bantam eggs from Texas trading company (a hatchery) to test out my new incubator. 28 of them hatched, some didn't make it over the winter. That's where those birds came from. I have an adult trio of blue red OEGB that Madison can have if she wants them, the hens are laying really well so she should be able to raise a bunch of them. I like them but they are not a color I'm going to work with so I don't need them. I'm only keeping my BB Red line, my blacks, & Crele.


I will have to get with you to see when we can work out a pick up, can you post a pic so I can show her. She doesn't know how to say No to any chicken! LOL. I happen to have a pen almost ready for them.
Good morning, Okies.

I'm trying to get back to my "normal" routine. It was great seeing all the BYC Okies at Pryor! We ended up coming back with 10 more chickens than we left with. Thank you very much MAllen, Splitsocket & BetsyOK. Corey is very excited about her Spangled OEGB & Shamos. Little Liz loves her Silkies & Birchen OEGB. (I made Corey give her one from Matt.) We spent all day yesterday getting settled back in. I'm planning on building a ton of pens this week.

If any of the kids showing in 4-H or APA-ABA Y have a Silkie program and need a cockerel, give me a hollar. We got 4 very nice cockerels from Betsy. So, Liz is now looking for a few great Silkie women. Maybe one of my girls will go foo foo. Corey sure isn't. She is going strong down the game path. She has OEGB, MGB, Cornish & now Shamo. She kept poking fun at me yesterday. She said I wouldn't give up my Shamo so now she has her own.

Well off to get things done!
Dandi, glad you are back in the saddle & getting back to routine. Did you see that Madison's book was in the mail when we got home Sat.

Al, how are you this fine day? Will the rain slow you down today?
I'll check it now, the rain will force me to change and shuffle my plans today, ya gotta roll with the punches in this game.

Good Morning Okies!

Well, It Is Another Nasty Day Outside. Look On The Bright Side. 70 Degrees Tomorrow!

I Pulled A Dirty Trick On Montana's Horse "Sugar" This Morning. She Has The Run Of Our 5 Acres By Herself, And Has Become Quite The "Its All About Me" Pushy Horse. Pregnant And Due April 1, 2010. Usually I Go Out About 9 - 10 To Take Care Of All The Critters. She Is Usually Standing At The Sliding Door Of The Barn, Pawing Until She Gets It Open. This Morning, I Waited Until She Was All The Way Down In The Pasture To Feed Her... Beat Her To The Trough...

I got Several Duck Eggs This Morning. Got 6 Females And Got 6 Eggs. My Hens Have Started Laying Like Crazy Too.

My Naked Necks That I Got From Carla And Gerald Are The Cutest Things And All Doing Great! I Love Them. I Had To Promise Doc That They Would NOT Be Out On The Yard. They Have To Be In A Pen Of Their Own When They Get Breeding Age.... SHHHHH... Thats A Start.... LOL

Well, Hope You Are All Doing Great!
When it rains, it pours. Apparently while catching the chickens on Saturday, I dislocated my right shoulder. It didn't go back in properly and now I can't fully straighten my right arm. I scheduled an appointment for next Monday (earliest available) and will be popping ibuprofen until then.

I've gotta follow NNs advice and get that net.
who knew chickens could be bad for one's health?
LOL don't be such a stranger then, we have missed ya woman. What have you & Carl been up to ??.

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