Okies in the BYC The Original

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The imagination of children is incredible. Of course, we allow them to watch so much TV (including the nightly news) that has so much violence, it is small wonder that their creativity tends to be of violence. What is the funniest thing with children is to hear them repeating what their parents have said, because they don't misquote - they repeat word for word.

morning everyone, nothin in the way of storms here, just a few sprinkles...

here is a question for you guys, payday is too far away to get everyone their specific feed, what is the best general for all of them till payday? i am thinking maybe the flock raiser? of the general poultry feed? i have 2 month olds, 5 month olds, the grown flock and the ducks....

on the flea issue- what is the ivomec dosage for a 60 pound dog for fleas? and can it be used as a dip??
Personally, I would go with layer crumbles. The youngest in your flock are 2 months old and the layer crimbles won't hurt the ducks.

On the ivomec, be sure that your breed isn't one of those for whom ovomec can be fatal - I seem to recall that it can be fatal to collies. Of course, it might be helpful to try the remedy suggested by Doc Henry - a bath in lemon Dawn (or Joy?) soap.
the dog with the big fleas issue is a heeler/lab mix we think, will try the lemon joy, he is really hurting from those dang things!

layer feed wins the lotto then...LOL gonna be really tight before payday

got interviewed by the paper on thursday for the oke from muskogee feature, the focus was the chickens, so i mentioned poops and byc, so hopefully they will put the site in there...

ok, off and running for the day

hey peaches! hugs to you !
Wind? There was wind last night? All we got here was torrential rain with a little hail and a lightning show that was incredible. Off to the West and South however I could see that it was a totally different storm. Much more intense.

Okiechick those pens are quite the "keep"er. LOL
The storms that hit the North and West side of OKC fell aprt before they got here.
They had a tracker on them and we were supposed to get them about 9:30 but they just ran out of juice.
We had some thinder and lightening and a few big drops of rain and that was it
That should have sounded like OH NO you got stung by a bee that hurts, I use meat tenderizer
in a paste on the kids and it takes the sting away.
Have a wonderfull week you guys.
Maribeth, Sorry you got stung. What kind of bees are those that fly around the barn and nest in the wood? They sound like a small airplane buzzing around.
We called them wood bees but I don't know if that is correct.
How big is a bumble bee?

Speaking of Wood Bees!

What would be you doing today?
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