Okies in the BYC The Original

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Happy B-Day Sooner!!!!

WE finally got some good rain last night. Now today we have a heat index of almost a hundred! Talk about sauna. I have several chores outside but may just stay inside. Chicks are doing good. NN the boiled egg seems to be helping.

PoCO my barnvelder are really getting tall! I need to worm them again as they are not heavy yet.Their coloring is going to be very nice too. I really like them.

Sounds like you all may be danger of storms again today so be on the lookout!
Wow! It's like God said, "Hum... I wonder if this lady would like all these awesome pens for free and cheep.... yes, I know she will!"

Mornin Rene,
They sold a trio of NN's at Blanchard the other night for $4 bucks each. I wanted, nay needed to buy them but somehow held off since i was there to downsize.

Let me see, if I am thinking correctly.

Selling 14 and buying 38, is downsizing?

I sold 14 bigger ones and bought 38 smaller ones.
I don't care what my DW says, that is downsizing in my book.

NOTE: Either the rain from last night is late or the rain we are supposed to get tonight is early because it is raining here now.

Supposed to start getting HOT this week so I'll take any cloud cover I can get.
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I wanted to be there, Its just I didnt think I could handle a crowd on the same day that Doc Left. I wish I were there. I will be there next time!
I am going to go to the next auction without my DH... and kids. That is if they let me...

Peaches I think maybe being BUSY like a bee will help. Take the time
and do something new. keeping with good company makes everything
feel better somehow. A good friend will cheer you up or just let you be.
I was actually able to get just a little bit of sleep last night. I think I was just so wore out that I just crashed... Off and On Sleep... But atleast it was sleep. But this weekend is our sale and next weekend is Blanchard, so watch out for me. Maybe I will be raring to go! lol
Good morning, everyOkie!

Happy Birthday, Sooner! (I stopped having those pesky birthdays years ago - it's worked wonders for my skin!)

I hope you are feeling much better, FunChick.

I am glad to know about bumblebees, P&B - sorry you got stung!

I took my sweet skeletal kitty (Vincent) that Buckguy gives me grief about in last week for annual shots, and the vet was surprised he was still alive. They did even more blood tests on him and he may have a very rare disease...they are all excited about it
. I just dropped him back off there for more tests - I just hope there is a treatment that will make him feel better - he is a really good cat. Here is a photo of him back when he was healthier.
Hey Cityclucks,You told me he had three legs, the mange, one eye and no teeth and that you had to spoon feed him Tuna soup.

That is where the grief started. I thought he was TROLL cat. He doesn't, look bad for a cat.

Anyway, I know he means a lot to you so I hope he gets much much better very soon.

p.s. Before you empty your Hectoville Dream fund on vet bills, give me a call.
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