Okies in the BYC The Original

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well...on those lights...a regular sort of flourescent is like $5 or so for a two pack...for like 4 footer...these run like $30 for one...like 2 footer

a 26 watt kinda spiral one is like $25 or so...

not all lights are created the same...I don't really know the difference but you gotta look at labels and not buy anything at Wal-Mart cuz theirs ain't it..they say they are but they aren't...
I am not sure what happened to all of the blackbirds but I know one thing . . .
Jared didn't do it. He was with me.
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Yes I do feel older but I think it is the miles and not the years.
No I can't make it to Blanchard. I would tell you why but you said tonotto.
I would love to go though.

Weak my friend
weak, I'll see ya when I see ya then.


Sorry! I know I'll be missing a great time.
What are the differences I should look for and know which ones are scamming me other than the words Made in China.

Welcome back, I am not sure what the rules are but Terry Britt has them running around and he lives right in town. I think the rule is that you have to have so many square feet of property and they have to be a certain distance fro the property line. Something like that. I'll try and find it.
you gotta look to make sure they have UVB emmisions...not just basking lights...those only provide heat and in reality are just tinted bulbs...some will say something about mimicking the suns rays and such. Don't be fooled by they omit a full spectrum of light...they are talking visible light and that is not what these guys need...it is the ultraviolet light the kinda that gives you skin cancer and is found in the taning beds...some will give off a funky kinda blue glow but others just look white...that depends on the type you buy. You can actually get ones that are basking and provide the UVB. I think it is repti-sun brand that I usually get...I try and not buy them too often. If you are ever with me at an auction and you see me start to bid silly on a fish tank light it is probably because it has one of these bulbs in it...
I have been known to buy them for $5...the fixture new isn't that valuable...but the bulb is!
Grace'sDad :

Been working out of town the last couple of days and just caught up with the posts.

So...I heard someone say it was Monty's Birthday!
That is just plain weird.

I just heard that it was Kronk's Birthday also.
How cool is that? Two of the funniest guys on the forum sharing a birthday

Anyway...Happy Birthday to both of you.


Thanks for all of the birthday chatter. You guys make me smile.
Kronk is actually much younger than me. He only came out er . . . I mean was born not that long ago.
He had a nice birthday too though. Krank let him go out to eat with us.

That is good!

or they are both covering for each other.

I have friends that will testify that i was witht hem that weekend...and some fo them are in different states

by the way...me and the boys had nothing to do with it either...
I was at Jacks the other day and saw the baby sheep and the huge ewe. She may very well have tripletts.
Jack is gonna hold him until I get things lined out here. My Cuckoo Marans roo is getting older so I wanted to get a backup guy in line.
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