Okies in the BYC The Original

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I was at Jacks the other day and saw the baby sheep and the huge ewe. She may very well have tripletts.
Jack is gonna hold him until I get things lined out here. My Cuckoo Marans roo is getting older so I wanted to get a backup guy in line.

Monty, I still need to get you a photo of the one I got from you. He kept his dark coloring.
Morning all. I am feeling better today, did not go to work though, have had a stomach thing going on. Monty, Happy Late B-day and I have some nice feather legged Cuckoo Marans that I bought as chicks in Blanchard, getting eggs from at least one of the pullets now, nice and dark, ended up with 4 pullets with feathered legs and one pulled with clean legs, all three roosters are feather legged, one is lighter than the other two, and I am going to thin down to one of the darker ones as a breeder, I am using the clean legged pullet in a project I am working on. If anyone needs a Cuckoo Marans Feather legged Roo. give a shout! Would be willing to talk trade on some hens or another color of Marans or Welsummers!!! Would like to coment on the spur thing, we cut off bunches of them years ago and I always kept a piece of sidewalk chalk handy and rubbed on the cut end afterwards, also if you will up the vitamin K intake aq few days before cutting the spur it will help with the stress and bleeding. JMO from experience only!!!! Have a great day all!!! Lynn
getting ready for the cold snap...
Where is the Harrah Auction ?
I have that pet welsummer rooster
that is great but wants to fight all
other roo's. He has no place to keep warm.
Free... and I would love to go to the
auction tonight...
My chicks are Orps, but not buff....
Oh speaking of roosters. I have a really neat looking white legged, five-toed, feather-legged, cuckoo/barred) rooster. He's got a good disposition, doesn't panic once you have hold of him, in fact he'll sit quietly while you hold him. Never messed with him a day of his life and just picked him up the other day. He fussed a bit at first but didn't struggle afterwards.

He'd make someone a good flock rooster. He's free ranged, but he'd pen up just fine.

If anyone wants him, let me know. I can save him for you until POOPS, if you think you might be going.
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I tis about a mile East of harrah on Hwy 62 then turn South on country line road. when the road curves left take the dirt straight ahead.
It starts early 5:30 I think.
I was at Jacks the other day and saw the baby sheep and the huge ewe. She may very well have tripletts.
Jack is gonna hold him until I get things lined out here. My Cuckoo Marans roo is getting older so I wanted to get a backup guy in line.

Monty, I still need to get you a photo of the one I got from you. He kept his dark coloring.

I am glad you still have him and that he held the darker color. I had one other one around the same time like him but have not had anymore dark ones since then. I can't remember what happened to the other one.
Too many roo's Monty, that is why you can't remember!

My day is almost over & it will be off to the show!!!
I need a nap.

Gonna watch some basketball...eventhough my boys are playing in their bowl game...I want to support my kids.

I have my last hour kid looking up deforistation, the lumber industry and the indeginous peoples being affected by this in south america. Darn...hope they don't have the national geographic shots of them...
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