Okies in the BYC The Original

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Teach is going to attend the NPIP testing on the 12th of June

By the way, I was soooo glad to have that rabbit hutch when I brought all those Flemish Giants home last Saturday. They are quarantined until I can get them some space in the rabbit barn (TJ's NaNa - how many rabbits did TJ want?) and the hutch was a huge help. Do you have any more hutches similar to that you would like to sell?
I just talked to Marie and found out that the class will begin at 10:00 and is usually over by 12:30 and then we test birds for about an hour - so there is time for us to plan a late lunch get together that day.

Marie also indicated that the Department of Ag would really love to have someone from the Panhandle and from Eastern Oklahoma attend the class, since there are not many testers in those areas.

Sounds good to me.......that is your neck of the woods where would you suggest.

There is an Italian restaurant a couple of blocks North of the Dept of Ag on Lincoln, with the choice of buffet or ordering off the menu. They have a separate meeting room that we could request and their lunch prices are reasonable.
hello okies I've been off line since Friday.
I cant get caught up. Haven't a clue whats been going on.
Was I missed?
I'm still thinking about the npip class, I still have lots of time to sign up.
Hope everyone is okay. How did everyone's hatching go from poops ?
TJ's Na-Na :

P&B - Me and Noah.........ONLY TWO...ONLY TWO !!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Have a good one !

P.S. Have you messed with the Flemith Giants before?

Well, two is all it takes to start with

Yes, I have had Flemish Giants for about a year and had been unsuccessful in getting my two Flemish does bred. I saw the ad and decided a road trip to Waurika for 3 breeding Flemish, 4 junior does and 14 babies was worth the trip. The day after I got my new Flemish, a rabbit breeder that I met on a rabbit forum showed me how to hold the cranky doe and get her bred. I am going to try that this weekend - while wearing leather gloves since she is so cranky.​
What do I do with snakes...what everone does with them...I hold them and hug them and love them and name them George! I put them in my classroom...I have many aquariums!

I am coming from the Panhandle!!! Maybe I will win the long drive award or something!

Kerry - sounds like an issue that could complicate egg laying and not something I would encourage...but if her plumbing works...I would keep her for eggs! Sorry not much help am I...at least I didn't tell you she was just a rare camel chicken!

Some people make me wanna...I use my animals all the time. When we talk about soemthing I like to hold it. I like kids to make observations not me tell them how it is. I want them to explore and wonder and learn. Pictures are great and computers supply us with alot of information but that is nothing if you can't interpret or think for yourself. I shall calm down now. My animals mainly get to live nice lives with plenty to eat. SOmetimes they become specimans...but we really try to avoid that part!

Besides...if you remove all the animals who would we teach!!
I completely agree, both of my boys looked forward to the weekend it was their turn to bring the rabit home for the weekend. One teacher had an igawna (sp) and frogs another had birds. Sadly now there aren't any.
Sooner if you need eggs I can round you up about 20 mixed breed eggs. Let me know. If you wanted to make a 30 minute drive to walmart here in Tahlequah.

Just counted have roughly 28 eggs sittin on the counter not older than yesterday. A few green eggs, some LARGE eggs and some inbetweens. Ill be rushing to the post office about 4:10pm today. The eggs Carla sent me where delivered before i got home and with delivery confirmation they take it back to the post office until you can sighn for it. I dont want to wait till tommarow. They told me they MIGHT be available by 4ish but they wasnt sure. I dont want to wait another day
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Those kittens are so stinkin cute! If my cats wouldn't kill me I'd take one. But the oldest is just now starting to tolerate the 'kitten' who is almost one and we've had her since September.

The Hubs got out and mowed yesterday. Our yard looks so nice and pretty right now.

I've come up with a scheme... I'm going to get my chickens. I'm scrounging for wood now and hope to have enough to build with by the end of the summer. (Maybe I can talk my Dad into helping me when he gets up here to visit at the end of June.) Then I intend to buy started pullets. I don't have the patience to mess with chicks right now.

For now, I read on here and wait and wish.
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