Okies in the BYC The Original

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I have had several emails from people complaining about the Harrah auction. I planned on talking to one of the guys that works there but I haven't yet.
I know when Carla took stuff the last time they almost didn't let her check it in.
I'll take it over no auction at all but they do need to straighten things out.
Yes I do, one rooster, one cockerel, and one hen. I don't like the tails on either of the boys, though the younger one has the better of the two...

I would be interested in which ever boy you want to get rid of.... that is, if you want to sell one.
Let me get you some pictures, I'll email you on Monday.
Maybe we can work out a trade.
Harrah Auction ... if you sell, they will not accept anything past 4:00 p.m. We got there right at 4:00 p.m. the last time, and they were locking the gate ... luckily they let us slide that time, but they were obviously not happy about it.

Buckguy, I hope you can speak to the auction owner and have a chance to bring it to their attention ... the need for improvement. I'd sure hate to see them shut down, which just might happen if enough people get frustrated & upset.
If owning chickens is a sign of wealth, then last Wednesday morning I hit the jackpot. Besides the 8 Black Jerseys that I got from Carla, my husband picked up 6 RIR and 6 Ameraucauna pullets. To top all that off I got a package from Welp Hatchery of 10 light brahma, 10 buff brahma, 10 dark brahma, 5 white cochin, 5 blue cochin, 5 partridge, 5 black cochin all pullets and 10 salmon faverelles straight run. So if chickens were money, guess that would make me Scrooge McDuck. Or on the other hand I may be a glutton for punishment.
Serenity, congrats on all the chickies! Would you like to add some Dark Brahmas and a Light Brahma to your bunch?
*ha* I have some for sell.

Ugly Cowboy, that sounds hot!
Welcome to the board!

Kaacres, you still around? Are you planning on going to the Cement auction May 2nd?
Ugly Cowboy...

Christie...I have been looking for some BuffBrahma hens so if you end up with any you don't want let me know. LOL

Cammie...I wasn't really planning to go, but who knows between now and then anything can happen. I need to go check out the info on the Brahmas you have. I might be interested. I am looking for some girls for Fred!
I really want to get him some buffs since he is, but I really prefer to buy locally and no one around here has any. Also I wanted to let you know Brewster got moved out to his new pen. DH's little hen wanted to beat him up so we took her out and put the Brabanters (that we got from Carla at the last Cement auction) in with him and they are all in heaven! They are all having a big time, but I kinda miss him being in with me.LOL I will have to send you some current pics of him. Pm me your e-mail addy and I will send you some pics in his new pen. In the mean time I will go check out your Brahmas. Sorry we will miss you at Harrah tomorrow, but you may miss out. The new meds they have me on make me feel drunk, so I may be a good laugh at the auction!
Well, I just got back from the Harrah auction. I'm guessing for the last time. I updated my review over in the shows section of the forum.
Sorry I didn't stay to see Carla's silkies sell. I was too tired of various things and decided dinner was more intersting.
webfinity ...

Ok I just got home from the Harrah auction and things weren't much better than how I heard it went last time. Huge difference from the first time I went.

BUT I just have to say...I got home and our first chick is pipping!!!!!!!
I am so excited and my little Doxie is about to lose his mind. So far the hole is the size of an eraser! I will have to take pitures to share on here. I know that for most of you it is old news but it is so very exciting and new for us!

Carla and Maribeth I was so glad to get to see you both! Most of my money tonight went to Carla. LOL But then I have bragged to everyone about how wonderful your chicks are. You have to admit those odds are excellent considering how many we have bought from you. I am more than pleased with all my babies! oh and the only other chicks I got are really Dominiques, they have the rose combs just starting. So that really was a good buy.

Maribeth you missed the good one I pulled on DH. I went out and told him I spent all of our money and he asked me what else I bought. I told him I bought that rabbit, he didn't think it was very funny until I told him not really! I look forward to your next Noble beekeepers meeting. Maybe we can work it out sometime to meet somwhere for dinner one night. Let me know when the next one is and maybe we can go to Kendalls there in Noble.

Well I am going to go put the coffee pot on and watch my baby hatch!
This was only my second time at the Harrah auction. I really only wanted rabbits this time, but somehow ended up with 38 chicks - and that doesn't count the Silkies Carla brought me. I really intend to downsize! What is wrong with this picture?

Carla, the silkies you brought me are gorgeous! I felt badly that your Spitzhauben chicks didn't bring more $$$ - even though that meant a great bargain for me - particularly when the ticket didn't have the full price on it. You spent a lot of time getting them ready, printing out full color pictures and labeling them with a great description.

Kaacres, it is ironic that your DH didn't think it funny that you might have bought a rabbit - and I bid twice as much on one as I had intended, because my DH really wanted that particular one. I will let you know when I head toward Noble next time - my new nucs of bees should be ready for pick-up soon.

I am sorry that I didn't meet the other folks from BYC tonight at the Harrah auction. It is fun to put faces with BYC names.
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