Old and Rare Breeds

I agree. Out here in the West I see lots of Orientals, but that does not seem to be true in other parts of the country. I have some black Asils coming along, but the Shamo's are slow this year.

Here are some naturally raised KO Shamo bantams. there are more babies, but they were out of the picture.

Walt how many baby's have you got total this year from the Ko's. Me and Emilee have hatched combined only about seven. All of my pullets are Blue Wheaten Splash's and my one cockerel is a Blue Wheaten. Emilee's are Wheaten and Blue Wheaten.
Great picture Walt. You've got to love a momma with her chicks. By the way, did you see the Crossroads thread I put up Walt? Would love to have your input.
They were so small that the straw looked like telephone poles when the babies tried walking around, but they did very well.

I will check out the Crossroads thread..I don't see it here. Do you have a link?

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I saw the birds that George got from you the other evening. They looked excellent. I was very impressed.
I need to get some more photos of those, but it's been rainning now for a week: just not photo weather. I have 4 or 5 Malay bantam stags that are keepers. They are coming along nicely.

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