Old Enough?


8 Years
Oct 28, 2015
Evansville, Indiana
Here is a picture of my 4.5 week old chicks. They will be 5 weeks on Wednesday. I am SW Indiana and the Temps at night are getting below freezing. I have been keeping then inside my home in a large plastic tub and have been lowering the temp weekly as recommended. There are 24 of them. 13 New Hampshire Reds, and 11 White Leghorns.

My question is...Are they old and developed enough to go outside in a segmented area of my coop? My coop is not heated, but I have two heat lamps I can put in above them out of harms way.

I don't put my ousted until they're atleast 6 weeks old sometimes 7-8 weeks. They should be completely weaned of the heat lamp and able to handle room temperature. As far as the heat lights go I would put them out there better safe than sorry:) make sure you have a way to keep their water from freezing chickens always drink more during the winter. Hope this help and good luck with your babies keep us updated!!
I would run a heat lamp for them out in the coop for a couple of weeks before weaning them off of it. They are very cute.
Once they have feathers they can go out in the coop. Don't mistake their small size and cuteness for weakness. They are pretty rugged animals.

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