Old farmer / neighbor said "no grass"?

He's trying to be helpful, if he mentions it again, smile and tell him orange yolks are in demand by the "healthfood crowd", he'll roll his eyes, but stop pestering you.
Mother Earth News had articles on free range eggs vs commercial eggs. The vibrant color comes from lower cholestrol and higher amounts of vitamin a. There's lots more benfits to free ranged eggies too.... the article is worth the lookup. Folks I have complaining about the eggs usually site the strong flavor of the free range eggs.... my customers include folks who like the free range benefit and folks who grew up on a farm and miss the old fashioned taste from their childhoods. The fellow next door probably doesn't much care for the stronger flavor... tis okay. We all have our likes...
Some people do dislike strong egg taste. Not most though. Those are probably the people who don't like eggs that well anyway and prefer the bland store bought ones. Most really want the increased flavor and dark yolks.

Certain foods may turn the yolks a less desireable color such as the slight green tint which is not at all an appealing green. If they turn that color instead of the preferred dark orange they should still taste the same and be just as healthy. They just won't look as appealing.
My chickens don't get to free-range for fear of predators. They're in a very large run with a coop though. I pick grass for them several times daily and toss it in. It makes my girls happy and me too! I love me some unsightly orange egg yolk!
Me thinks an old man is sitting under a shade tree giggling like a little girl thinking....that greenhorn will believe anything. Color=Taste.
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Marigold petals/flowers are also supposed to increase the Lutein levels in the eggs if I understand correctly, My biggest customer (a recent triple bypass recipient) has been told by her doctor to increase the Luteins in her diet so I have planted some Marigolds for the girls. I am also investigating flax seed for the Omega increase factor but it seems no one in Tx, handles flax so I'm having a hard time finding it without it costing a small mint! Anyone know anything about Chia seeds? better than flax for Omega 3's? What little I have seen it might be easier to get and might be much much cheaper. You know us rednecks we know nothing about healthy so no one here deals with flax.....
I'm in Texas and I see flax seeds in the health food section all the time. Couldn't you buy a box, plant them, and grow your own? Assuming, of course, that this drought breaks!

I haven't even been letting my girls out lately to freerange, because there's nothing green to eat and I haven't seen a grasshopper in months.

Kathy, Bellville TX

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