Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Will a mom with chicks accept more chicks that aren't hers? I am getting a new coop delivered next week and am keeping my small (4x8') coop for moms and babies. I'm thinking of ordering chicks from Murray and am wondering if the mom will be mean to them if I keep them in with the mom and babies....
Will a mom with chicks accept more chicks that aren't hers? I am getting a new coop delivered next week and am keeping my small (4x8') coop for moms and babies. I'm thinking of ordering chicks from Murray and am wondering if the mom will be mean to them if I keep them in with the mom and babies....

I haven't added chicks only eggs to my broodies - but I would say there's a high probablility she would reject them unless they were day olds and given at the same age as the chicks she's hatching. In other words if her chicks are older than the new chicks by a day or two old - I wouldn't try it. Depends of course on the breed and size of the chicks. Mixing LF day old chicks into a week old Silky brood may work just fine.

I haven't seen either of my broodies hurt the other broody's chicks - they often try to steal the chicks from each other. But I would be concerned that she might consider them intruders and peck them away leaving them vulnerable to the weather and lack of heat. Then again if you add them at night in the dark in the morning she might just think "hey I hatched a bunch more babies" and take them in - but if the other chicks are over a week old they might be the ones to peck away the day olds.

Just have plan B in place in case she attacks them rather than accepts them. Of course if mom's a Silkie the probability of her accepting any chick at any age is greater than if she's any other breed.
Yeah! Looks like Topsy has finally given up on the idea of being broody!!!!!

I found her wandering under the coop yesterday and she has moved away from the nest she set up in the corner. She is keeping her 12 week old babies company at night on the floor so maybe she's thinking she just hatched them again. haha.

I know that sounds counter to what everyone else wants here to be happy she's not broody anymore - but she would be on her 5th brood if I let her hatch any eggs. I haven't the room for so many right now. In the spring I'll let her go at it again if she wants, but for now I'm happy she may return to laying soon. Especially with this snow and cold - it was 18F in the coop this morning when I opened up. And no one wants to venture past the coop into the 4" of snow on the ground. Silly chickens.
My broody is 11ish days from hatching out her eggs (7 with development), just wondering when is the preferred time to take the chicks. I do not have room for any more because it is February and with 3' of snow cant build my addition planned for the spring. I have a friend that wants the chicks and will take them to her brooder when she can, but don't want to traumatize momma. We gave her the eggs to sort of break her and sell the chicks.

Hoping that her sister will go in the spring and can hatch out ones we can keep!! She seems to think her sister has a good idea!!
My broody is 11ish days from hatching out her eggs (7 with development), just wondering when is the preferred time to take the chicks.  I do not have room for any more because it is February and with 3' of snow cant build my addition planned for the spring.  I have a friend that wants the chicks and will take them to her brooder when she can, but don't want to traumatize momma.  We gave her the eggs to sort of break her and sell the chicks.

Hoping that her sister will go in the spring and can hatch out ones we can keep!!  She seems to think her sister has a good idea!!;)

If you keep them with the mom she will train them and warm them. The mom will abandon them during the day around week 4-5 after they've hatched. Usually by week 6 she will also be back on the roost and abandon them at night. By then they can huddle together for warmth and will be hardy enough to make it without her warmth. That is the ideal time to rehome as your roosters may even be noticeable by that point depending on breed.

If you are planning on them going earlier, they can go as day olds after fluffing out. The momma will cluck for them for a time but she will get over them being gone eventually. They will need a heat lamp to keep them warm until 6 weeks old this way. They will need to be shown food and water sources.
Well Asparagus has got over the obsession with his mother, and he dosent care much for her or Bella anymore. He has now moved onto his mothers sister, she he was sitting inside the pop hole so he sat outside the pop hole gaurding her (he was lieng down but stood up when i came)

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