Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I washed them briefly, in warm water. They were covered in poop. Covered. She must have rolled them, they were that coevered. I haven't candled in a few days, but last time I did the chicks were alive and kicking. We're on lockdown now, so its cross my fingers time, but these three eggs were continuing to develop even after the great poop event.
I rehomed my white leghorn roo and my lavender Orpington roo. I kept the silkie roo to give the girls a break. But I didn't expect this big of a break. The only time he really mans up is early in the morning or if I play a YouTube of our old roosters crowing. Then suddenly he will try to mate the LO girls.

LOL! Competition... gets 'em every time! I gave up my WL roo, too. He was a looker (some x with a show bird) but had the demeanor of a violent rock star. How do you like your Lavenders? I'm considering pulling an old switcheroo on the next broody.

They are old enough now to tell by comb growth. The older chicks are 10 weeks on Saturday. And the younger ones were 6 weeks old on Tuesday. I'm just guessing about two of them. But I'm certain on the other three.

Ah, okay. I heard there was some feather method, but I have no idea what they mean since newbs don't have feathers. Bummer, I take it you don't need anymore rock stars. If you weren't so far away I'd adopt them! I wouldn't mind male or female, because my Cochin boy has just become too aggressive. To people, too.
If she is mellow go ahead, I have a peek at most of mine except my game hen I know she is high strung so i just leave her alone but my bantams could care less.

Hehe, funny! She's super mellow. Okay, took a peek: the pip is bigger and looks poked through, but no zipping yet. I don't want to bother her too much, and naturally the egg is the furthest from where I can tip her. There's a storm coming in tonight, so I may lock-up soon. A little chillier than normal overnight as well, so I hope this isn't cause for too much delay?
LOL! Competition... gets 'em every time! I gave up my WL roo, too. He was a looker (some x with a show bird) but had the demeanor of a violent rock star. How do you like your Lavenders? I'm considering pulling an old switcheroo on the next broody.

Ah, okay. I heard there was some feather method, but I have no idea what they mean since newbs don't have feathers. Bummer, I take it you don't need anymore rock stars. If you weren't so far away I'd adopt them! I wouldn't mind male or female, because my Cochin boy has just become too aggressive. To people, too.
I love my big butt lavender orpingtons. The roo was huge. I sort of miss him. But the girls are so sweet and lay pretty brown eggs of various shades.
Had an overly dramatic evening. I left a bowl of diluted bleach water in the kitchen sink to soak and pretty much forgot about it. Later my 9yo special needs son got a 6oz plastic cup and went to the fridge to get water. He's allowed to do that. He drank some then he went to the sink. The next thing we see him in the sink playing with his cup that is empty. Then my DH went to see what he was doing and my DS started vomiting and gasping for breathe. That's when I remembered the bowl had bleach in it. I dumped it down the drain and called 911. They came in just about 4 minutes. He had vomited it out by then and began breathing fine. But I can tell you, I was a wreck. Knowing I almost killed our son, even by accident is pretty hard to take. The EMTs were so good with him, and with me.

So thankful he's doing fine now. He's finally resting and he's been hydrated again. But wow, I just thank the Lord He was watching over us. Way more drama then my 50yo heart needs. I much prefer the drama of watching my chickens attacking bugs and treats.

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