Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Thanks for the advice!! Appreciate it! Now we wait....one more question - - do you all candle like I've read people that use incubators candle or do you just wait it out and see? Thanks! I heard that if you are going to it should be at 10 days for ducks?
I don't candle mine. My book says 5th-7th day, then 12th, 19th, 24th. This is in the incubating section.

I think that if you are sure eggs are fertile, making sure that the hen doesn't have too many under her is more important. You can mark the eggs with a sharpie that are under her and remove the older ones if she continues to lay. Remove any that are very small, very dirty or oddly shaped as they have less a chance of hatching. I'm not sure if bantams are the same but most duck breeds can cover 8-14. I'd go on the lower side for a first time.

Thanks for the advice!! Appreciate it! Now we wait....one more question - - do you all candle like I've read people that use incubators candle or do you just wait it out and see? Thanks! I heard that if you are going to it should be at 10 days for ducks?
I candle around day 7 or 10 & you can see really well in duck eggs at that stage if you go in a really dark room with a good flashlight. It's later on when its hard to see in duck eggs or if they are the dark shelled ones. Good luck on your hatch!
I don't usually candle the ducks have tossed eggs in the past, this was the first time I actually looked at one so closey going so far as to open it. Now if your past the breeds incubation period then yes, I would check into them.
Thank you again for all the GREAT advice!! I think we have decided we are not going to candle unless its past the date, then we'll check to see. But otherwise let nature take its course, if we get babies, we get them, otherwise, there's always next time! We have just enjoyed seeing her be such a good momma so far this week and really sit on those eggs! Makes us happy!
Thank you again for all the GREAT advice!! I think we have decided we are not going to candle unless its past the date, then we'll check to see. But otherwise let nature take its course, if we get babies, we get them, otherwise, there's always next time! We have just enjoyed seeing her be such a good momma so far this week and really sit on those eggs! Makes us happy!
Keep us updated please!
Thank you again for all the GREAT advice!! I think we have decided we are not going to candle unless its past the date, then we'll check to see. But otherwise let nature take its course, if we get babies, we get them, otherwise, there's always next time! We have just enjoyed seeing her be such a good momma so far this week and really sit on those eggs! Makes us happy!
I totally agree, this is my first year with a broody duck hatching her own eggs (we have always incubated) and we are not going to candle either unless they are late.
Revisiting ML's old post: I thinks she's onto something. Each nest definitely has fewer than last year, and now I'm wondering if they are kicking out eggs?

Well we know mama can keep their eggs warm it's going to be after hatch where shes going to have her work cut out for her, I'd try to put min of eggs under her so she doesn't have to keep many warm. They will have a better chance. 

See this is the problem she has decided to move her nest outside in the sticker bushes so last night I tried to pita shelter with an open door over the nest and she lost it! She refused to stay in it and so I took it off and she ran right back on her nest immediately. My two dogs won't even let the neighbor cat in our yard because they are so protective of our ducks but I'm so stressed out with her nesting outside. Any ideas?

See this is the problem she has decided to move her nest outside in the sticker bushes so last night I tried to pita shelter with an open door over the nest and she lost it! She refused to stay in it and so I took it off and she ran right back on her nest immediately. My two dogs won't even let the neighbor cat in our yard because they are so protective of our ducks but I'm so stressed out with her nesting outside. Any ideas?
Are your dogs out 24/7? if not your taking a big chance leaving her outside. probably even with the dogs out there I'd still be worried. you could try moving her inside where you can totally lock her up so she can't get out, cover the cage,crate or whatever you decide to use, I used an extra large dog crate last year for one of my broody ducks and just covered it with a towel except for the front door. But you'd probbably have to leave her in there for at least 3-4 days till she settles down when, is hatch day?

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