Old hand


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Van Vleck ,TX
was active member a few years back in Quail , well raised 1000s but got tired of processing them lil guys and stopped a year or so ago...WellI back and gona do a few Laying hens<10 and Meat rabbits 4 adults..

Grew up on tx coast cotton patch/rice...had chic/rabbits/cows/turk/geese/ducks....so I ain't beginner

always enjoyed this BYC site...lotsa great info and folks with similar interest

Chic breed I plan on Black Aust/Buff Orp...can hatch my own if I get eggs/ or buy little guys

Rabbits probably Dutch /Florida whites, Something in 5 to 8 # range Medium size if I go with Large it would be Calif Wh...thers plenty of breeders around here

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