Old hen with cold tush


8 Years
May 10, 2011
This is not an emergency, but wonder if there is anything to help. An older white rock, probably 8+ now, has a bald, red spot on her rump, and the area is bumpy. Her hind end began drooping maybe a year ago. I didn't think much of it as she otherwise shows no problems - poop, eating, running around, everything else fine - even laying eggs until then. This winter the feathers there did not return after molting. I don't kill my older girls but let them live out their lives and let the younger ones keep me in eggs. We've had a particularly cold winter in NC and the area got red and sore looking. When it's cold, she holds her tail over the area, or sits in pine shavings, straw or dirt to keep it warm. There are warm places to go in the coop, even a heated area when it gets in the teens. I can't see any kind of covering working as that would impede pooping. Ideas? Salves?

It looks like she's being feather picked. What are you feeding? She should be fine without covering it. As you have seen she covers it herself when it gets cold.
Food is organic layer pellets. Though she used to be at the bottom of the pecking order, she no longer is. I have never seen anyone pick at her or seen her pick at it herself, and I spend a lot of time with them. I suppose she is taking good care of it. It just looks so red and sore. Thanks.
Layer can lead to some deficiencies if the protein content is 16%. I personally feed a higher protein all flock ration with a separate bowl of oyster shells for the calcium needs.

When I see feathers missing like that it's either chickens grabbing them from behind, or on the roosts.
I use a higher protein feed for winter, and have oyster shell available, plus I give them crushed shells from eggs I use. I'll keep watching other's behavior. I figured it had something to do with the area being bumpy and low to the ground.

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