OLD Official Ongoing BYC Scavenger Hunt

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Don't you have to be able to provide a link to the answer instead?

No, that would be too easy, a little more work but that's what I'm asking for
Yes, it's right.

So is the current question ok?

1) One person posts an item to “hunt” for in the forums. Example: "What is the link to the "nesting box" page in the Learning Center?”
2) The first person that finds and posts the correct answer (example: https://www.backyardchickens.com/coops/nestingbox.html ) wins a point and gets to post the next item to be hunted!
3) If an item proves to be too hard to find and nobody can find the item within 24 hours of it being posted, then the first person to post a new question exactly 24 hours after the last unanswered question gets the power to post a new item.

as I understand it it , the answer does not have to be a link all the time.​
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota (according to the first post of the thread - not sure if it's current)

Provide the link to the official BYC Recognition Awards thread.
Nope, doesn't have to be a link!

Great job everybody!

The only thing we may want to institute is that the question poster must verify the answer is correct before the next person can post... what do you think? Or should we just keep it going as it is?

(I'm anxiously awaiting some really tricky questions)
I think the OP of the question should veryify that is corret or Nifty-Chicken. Otherwise it goes to fast. IDK JMO Especially if there are going to be tricky questions ?? lol
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