older hen with new chicks............


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
I am just writing to see if anyone thinks I am doing a good thing....or not.......LOL!

I have a hen that is 4.5 months old and she is a very dominate hen! I have about 15 chicks all different kinds from silkes to frizzles and some buff orphintons and a BR that are 2 months old. I have been slowly trying to introduce them to our hen. Our hen "stripy" finally got to hang out with them today with out any fencing bounderies. She started playing dominate hen and pecking at them and chasing them. She would go up to one, peck at it gently and if it did not move she would give it a strong peck! After a hour, the chicks and her were hanging out together and eating together. A hour after this I put them back in there huge rabbit hutch I have them in.
question is....when should the chicks go in the chicken pen to live with her??
should I keep up with introductions for a while more??
Is stripy acting like a good hen, or should I watch out more?

Thank you all!
Any and all comments would be appriciated!!!
If they were mine, I'd introduce them slowly like you are doing for just awhile longer...then put them together at night somewhere down the line when the older pullet will be more worried about roosting then who is beside her....and when morning comes she will want to eat first thing and leave them alone....
From a hen's point of view, she's going to have to assert her dominance every single time the little ones show up....

I would have left them together once they'd all settled down, they (the smaller ones) obviously showed some chicken respect and she was happy.

I would personally, make sure everyone is fed nice and FAT with good treats and all is happy - and add the younger ones at night to the older one's coop and be done with it.

There WILL be some pushing around, but they'll figure it out. If you put them together and pull them apart so often it might just cause more issues... these are just chickens - they don't hold their attention very long. GIve them a night together, and be there to watch in the morning... they'll all be FINE.

As humans we tend to put human emotions and feelings in with everything that is going on..... step back and let them take care of it...... keep an eye open for a couple of hours to make sure there are no major injuries....

all good - and good luck! RELAX
wow all very good ideas! If tomorow is sunny I will set them up all day and then let the chicks spend the night(ohhh wow...huge step for me) and give them more then enough food everywhere!!

so excited! wish me luck!

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