Olive Egger and egg color

Intersting! Very olive!! What was the mix??
I'm sorry, not a lot of info on this one. I'll have to figure out which hen is laying it, but the rooster would've been a wyandotte or wyandotte cross. He looks a little haggard in this photo, I will have to get a better one! But he almost has to be crossed, right?
I got these (just F1) from random barn yard mix, (ok, not random, but a marans/mix over a CLB/EE mix hen) so I am hoping my pure BCM and pure CLB make eggs that are at least this dark/green! I don't want to have to wait for F2.

I really like the matcha egg from previous page. Looks just like my morning matcha!!!!!


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I got these from random barn yard mix, so I am hoping my BCM and CLB make eggs that are at least this dark/green.

I really like the matcha egg! Looks just like my morning matcha!!!!!
Oh, wow. Those are beauties!
but what was the hen?
I don't know. They were out of a broody hatch (mix of eggs). If I could figure out who is laying it, then I can take a pretty good guess.
Well, there are 93 in three different coops and everyone free ranges together. What that means for egg laying, is an easter egg hunt every night in the barn :p Of course, there are regular nests and at some point I will catch her on a weekend. I would like to point cameras at the nests, but we don't have wifi capabilities. Maybe a type of satellite camera. I'm not sure yet, I think we can get it done somehow.

I would love to know who all lays what and who isn't laying at all. Not that I care of they aren't, just out of curiosity.
I wondered about that, too! I'd have 6 million pictures of chickens squabbling over the nests :gig

I have three resident roosters and plan to add one more this year. (Two were hatched here and one is an old fella, I think around 8yrs old.) Whether he's hatched here, or not, I'm not sure yet. I have a friend that may have a lavender orpington cockerel he wants to give away, so I may take him.
I wondered about that, too! I'd have 6 million pictures of chickens squabbling over the nests :gig

I have three resident roosters and plan to add one more this year. (Two were hatched here and one is an old fella, I think around 8yrs old.) Whether he's hatched here, or not, I'm not sure yet. I have a friend that may have a lavender orpington cockerel he wants to give away, so I may take him.
Ive never been able to have 2-3 roosters all get along, sadly. I have 11 roosters right now.... 3 with ladies, and the rest in pens with other roosters. I feel so bad for them... not being able to free run. Some are going in the freezer this week because they became jerks over the winter, and even worse now that its spring fever here!! But Ideally I could have 3 that co-exist with my 35-40 hens. SIGH. one day maybe

And yes, you would have 1000 pics of hens "shopping" for a box. I watched a full hour of 15 sec videos of NOTHING BUT SHOPPING. LOL
Im really glad u re-activated this thread, 'cause its always fun to see other's eggs. Meg, your wyandotte cross roo must have a dark egg breed mixed in, because to my knowledge the various wyandotte colors/varieties all lay much lighter shades of brown eggs, nothing close to dark enough to make a nice olive shade. Whatever breed/mix your roo is, if he's the one that helped make your new olive-egg laying hen, thats all that matters! That matcha egg truly is a beautiful shade of green. And @Minky your olive shades are Really Dark! You might have me beat on darkness, but i have some that come close. And that's ok this isnt a contest; i think all the shades are pretty! On that note, my girls lay a huge variety of olive shades. Not just many shades of olive green, but varying shades of olive brown too. (The eggs are still green eggs, but some almost look more brown than green.) I have 3 very large free-range flocks mainly divided by age, & of course i mostly have no clue which girl lays what egg either. Minky your idea of halving the flocks again and again to figure out which hen lays what would never work for me either. 🤣 Anyway, I'll be takin pics of the various olive eggs this weekend and will post them here next week. Will also be takin some photos to submit to the current "natural egg photo contest" before the deadline passes. Yall gonna enter that contest? I think u should!

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