Olive Egger with clean legs


Feb 26, 2015
East Tennessee
Hi. I recently bought an Olive Egger pullet from a well-respected, NPIP breeder. She’s a beautiful blue pullet with dark slate legs. She’s a cross between an Ameracauna mother and a Black Copper Marans father. I am noticing in reading about Olive Eggers that they normally have feathered legs from the BCM rooster. However my Olive Egger’s legs are clean - no feathering. Does this lack of leg feathering have any bearing on my pullet’s ability to lay olive colored eggs once she begins to lay or do some Olive Eggers just have clean legs? Thank you.


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Hi. I recently bought an Olive Egger pullet from a well-respected, NPIP breeder. She’s a beautiful blue pullet with dark slate legs. She’s a cross between an Ameracauna mother and a Black Copper Marans father. I am noticing in reading about Olive Eggers that they normally have feathered legs from the BCM rooster. However my Olive Egger’s legs are clean - no feathering. Does this lack of leg feathering have any bearing on my pullet’s ability to lay olive colored eggs once she begins to lay or do some Olive Eggers just have clean legs? Thank you.
Marans are often clean legged, so no, that shouldn't be a concern. Some countries call for clean legged Marans, some call for feather legged, and we have both in this country.

I am more surprised that this pullet shows no red/gold leakage with a BCM father, but I am sure it does happens and you do have an olive egger. Only time will tell for sure-- if the eggs are blue rather than olive, there could have been a mix up. But more likely than not you have what you paid for. She is pretty!
As far as the lack of red/gold leakage, it’s possible that my breeder told me that the roo was a black Marans and not a Black Copper Marans and I just misheard her. I’ve just texted her to ask. If it were a black Marans roo you wouldn’t expect any red or gold on my pullet’s plumage, right? Thanks for your reply!

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