OMG!! ducklings STINK!

That's a great idea and we have an overabundance of milk jugs so that will be perfect!! That duck in the picture is the cutest thing

Thank You!!!
Here is what I have started doing. I let the baby ducklings play in the water in the bathtub for a few minutes and i put their food in a dish at the shallow end of the tub. They run back and forth and eat and splash and play and mess and when you are all done, you rinse out the tub and it all goes down the drain. Then you put them back in the brooder with a quail waterer, they cannot PLAY but can drink the water. It has made my life so much better. Too bad they cannot make a waterer like the quail one only deeper so they can get their whole beak in there.
That's a great idea and we have an overabundance of milk jugs so that will be perfect!! That duck in the picture is the cutest thing

Thank You!!!

That's perfect!
Oh goodness. I'm going to try it! I have 4 khaki campbells who love to stink up my living room.

Anyone who tries this, can you report on whether or not it helped the stench or not?
I made one earlier when i changed the brooder, so we'll see if it lasts more than a day...I also put a puppy pad under the shavings and a casserole dish under the lamp where they sleep (it will probably start floating like a boat the way they've been spilling!) seriously I hope this way works better!
Last year I had 6 Rouen ducklings. YECH! STINKY! But cute......

I used a chick waterer with rocks in the tray so they couldn't sit in it (they tried!) and let them play in the bath tub every day until they were old enough to go outside in the kiddie pool (another clean up nightmare!)
After having them in with my chicks for a few days, they got their own brooder,(they were teaching my chicks to play in the water!)I also switched them from shavings to the pelleted horse bedding that turns into a sawdust type substance when it gets wet. It absorbs a LOT more water and really keeps the smell down. It also "clumps" to an extent, allowing you to scoop out the worst of the wet spots. To keep them from eating it, I put down plastic mesh squares used for cross stitch (sewing) projects (I used them over the shavings for the chicks too) It gives them a less slippery footing, doesn't allow the shavings to get piled up in the corners and you can take them out and rinse them off in a few seconds.
I would suggest waiting to use the pellets until the ducks have learned to tell the difference between food and bedding. Mine were about 2 weeks old when I switched.
You can also get pine shavings that have baking soda in most pet shops or pet department of the grocery store. They only come in small bags though and are more expensive.

Another option, as long as it's draft free, is to use a mesh bottom cage/pen and use a tray of clumping cat litter underneath. Just be careful that they can't reach it through the mesh!

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