OMG found a fox about to kill my chickens! Need help fox proofing

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Not trying to get anything going but when you have so many Americans that want the laws changed and you can't get passed congress to get it done, and our congressmen are suppose to be working for the people (but we all know who they really work for} it is pathetic situation! I believe hunters, and farmers should be able to own guns don't get me wrong! But I see no reason for someone who lives in the city to own or open carry a firearm! There are so many simple things that can be done, that would make improvements to our problems here. But with our bought and paid for congress we don't get anything done! They are worthless! I don't want to out law guns I just want harsher restrictions on them!

This country doesn't need more laws...what it really needs is more people with common sense. Outlawing something, anything does not work (remember prohibition? or how about all the laws that are currently on the books against murder but it still happens).

As for why someone in the city to own a firearm, I'll give you one.. My husband & I used to own a small retail store in a busy tourist town. We worked 95-100 hours every week, 7 days a week, just to keep the doors open and food on our table. If you think we would just stand by and let anyone that wanted to take our hard-earned daily receipts from us, you're very wrong. Why would we? You can't count on law enforcement to be there when you need them so if we had trouble with some drunken/high lowlife thinking they could help themselves to what we had worked for, just the threat of a loaded firearm could be very dissuasive.

We now have a small farm in a very rural area. I had to call the sherrif's office once but because they were taking care of something on the other side of the county, it took them over 2 hours to get to our place. Fortunately, the situation I was dealing with was relatively minor and I handled it by myself. But, if I feel my husband or I am threatened or my animals are in danger of being hurt/killed, I will take matters in my own hands and do what the situation is called for and if that means firing on someone or something, I am trained, prepared and ready to do so.

And if you think you didn't mean to get something going, you sure picked a controversial subject to bring up.
HOORAY UK! We need tougher gun laws here but the **** NRA is controlling our government and we can't get anything passed in congress to do anything about it!
good at least I know my contribtutions are going to good use cause it'll be a cold day in hell before another man says I can't protect my family and property
I believe this thread is about a fox that is trying to get someones birds. Not about the right to own or not own; regulate or not regulate firearms. The original poster stated their problem and some of us proposed solutions that turn out to be unique to where we live. The original poster further stated that they had regulations that those of us that live in the US do not have to deal with. So I would propose that we offer helpful solutions that the original poster might be able to make use of and not get into debating what we as a nation have not been able to resolve yet.

I have great respect for the user community of BYC and they have provided me with untold advice and suggestions that have made it possible for me to have a successful mixed flock of productive and happy birds. I have often found it easier to just "mark as read" a discussion that went off in a direction that I did not agree with but I know that, especially in these days, this could turn to a debate that would not leave any of us with a good feeling.

So lets all do what the BYC community excels at most of the time and that is help one another without getting into arguments and debates that this forum is not meant to deal with.

Thank you all.
I raise Pygmy goats, and miniature Nubians. I have also had hens killed in the same pasture with my goats. They don't deter hungry predators, at least in the US. If these foxes are laying on porches, and no longer scared of humans then you need to get the local officials involved so they can be killed (foxes). It is posing a public health threat by spreading disease, killing pets and maybe eventually a small child. Trapping and killing them are your best options.
A pellet gun is only going to tick the fox off it won't kill it might scare it off but won't kill it boo UK
Just shoot him and don't tell anyone where do you people live where you don't know if you can own a gun it's the second ammendment the right to bare arms
Have any of you ever tried to kill something with a throwing knife moving target small kill zone
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