OMG found a fox about to kill my chickens! Need help fox proofing

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I'm in the UK, so can own a gun and it's is not a RIGHT to bear arms, I'm not a huge fan of them, you have more gun crimes per hundred people than anywhere else, anyway, can we leave the subject now
A pellet gun is only going to tick the fox off it won't kill it might scare it off but won't kill it boo UK
People hunt things a lot larger than fox with some pellet guns. There are .50 pellet guns that will kill boar. A good 1000+ fps .22 would probably take down a fox without a problem.

That being said, a high end pellet rifle is probably not a solution for the OP. OP, you're probably going to have to trap and kill, or secure your property much better.
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I'm in the UK, so can own a gun and it's is not a RIGHT to bear arms, I'm not a huge fan of them, you have more gun crimes per hundred people than anywhere else, anyway, can we leave the subject now

You can't make a nonsensical statement like that, and call it the final word. Why don't you tell us about YOUR country's violent crime rate? For the number of citizens, your violent assault rate goes waaaaay beyond ours per capita. Old folks, unarmed and totally defenseless, having thugs break in, beat them up, and worse, to steal what little they may have. sometimes the same thugs, doing it to the same old people repeatedly. But, due to your nanny state government, they and the rest of the citizens, are totally defenseless to the thugclass you have over there. And whats really funny, if somebody does defend themselves, your government will prosecute THEM, for defending themselves. In your world, the police are there to defend you, supposedly. But, we have a saying over here. 'When seconds count, the police are only minutes away'. And those can be some long minutes that you will wait. I much rather have something to help defend me, and my family besides a telephone, when a group of lunatics start kicking my door in.

As far as gun rights over here go, the 2nd amendment merely affirms, and recognizes a basic, GOD given human right to self defense. It doesn't grant anything. Government, or really NOBODY else, has any business telling you how you can, or can't defend yourself. You put your life so fully into the government's hands, you are nothing more than two-legged livestock, to be directed and controlled as they see fit. Your country is deep into that. For most Americans here, not so much.
The cheapest, easiest, and longest lasting way to deal with a fox is to kill it.
No, it's not.

The best way to deal with foxes is to secure your property so they can't get in. Killing a fox is a very short term solution, as the presence of one already indicates that there is enough local food and shelter to support a population.
You can't make a nonsensical statement like that, and call it the final word.   Why don't you tell us about YOUR country's violent crime rate?   For the number of citizens, your violent assault rate goes waaaaay beyond ours per capita.   Old folks, unarmed and totally defenseless,  having thugs break in, beat them up, and worse, to steal what little they may have.  sometimes the same thugs, doing it to the same old people repeatedly.   But, due to your nanny state government, they and the rest of the citizens,  are totally defenseless to the thugclass you have over there.   And whats really funny, if somebody does defend themselves, your government will prosecute THEM, for defending themselves.  In your world, the police are there to defend you, supposedly.  But, we have a saying over here.  'When seconds count, the police are only minutes away'.  And those can be some long minutes that you will wait.  I much rather have something to help defend me, and my family besides a telephone, when a group of  lunatics start kicking my door in.

As far as gun rights over here go, the 2nd amendment merely affirms, and recognizes a basic, GOD given human right to self defense. It doesn't grant anything.  Government, or really NOBODY else, has any business telling you how you can, or can't defend yourself.  You put your life so fully into the government's hands, you are nothing more than two-legged livestock, to be directed and controlled as they see fit.  Your country is deep into that.  For most Americans here, not so much.

JackE I had no intention of spawning such a debate and I wanted to cool the argument before people started taking offence, and only gave my opinion on the matter, if no one but farmers and soldiers who need guns had them the world would be much better. You made way too many insults and generalisations about my country in the majority of your argument vendering it void. And please don't put religion in to your argument as religion is a personal thing and believe it or not other people have completely sound beliefs that are different than your own. I wasn't stating that no one has the right to own a gun and you are correct everyone had the right to defend themselves however that doesn't necessarily involve a weapon and you are incorrect - our government can't jail you in actions made purely out of self defence. I was just stating that as soon as your born BAM that doesn't give you a right to own a gun otherwise lunatics get them and tragedies happen such as the school shootings which you have had several of. America has the highest prison population in the world 724 people in prison for every 100 000, England has 145 per 100 000 - official BBC stats.
I understand you opinions and some of your points were entirely valid however you made some very offensive statements that I don't think are backed by fact and I think you need to be careful what you say.
I didn't intend to cause any upset so I'm sorry that i did - I just wanted to diffuse an inevitable argument and let you know that I hope those aren't your stereo types of England because plainly most of those weren't true.
Best regards Millie.
Hi, I'm in the uk too, I really feel for you about the fox, we had three chickens 3 years ago where the fox just took they're heads, hated them ever since! We don't own an air rifle (all you can have over here really) we've just developed a kind of chickeny Fort Knox, run with roof, also buried as far down as poss, coup sat on concrete and all chickens locked away at night.
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