OMG I can't afford to send my kids to public school!

Haven't read all the postings.

I sent my kids to a private school. All four and it certainly cost more than public school. It meant, no cable, brown bag lunches, thrift store clothes and one tv in the house among other things. Plus we paid school taxes on top of the tuition we were paying so you'll get no sympathy here.
You can afford it, you just have to give up something else.
Though I will admit there are other ways. Public schools pay more per student per year than many private schools. Especially the one my kids went to. All did better academically than public school students.

You can do this if you love your kids and want them to do better than the kid sitting in the next desk.

Best of luck

This past year, 6th for DS, there was a really long list... end of the year they sent home 3.75 of the 4 packs of notebook paper they demanded... they sent home 3 of the 5 spiral notebooks... and so on... the teachers should pare down the list, but they don't bother.

That is OUR school, that's not a district wide thing. I know that because family in town attends other schools. Cousins that are in the same grades and consistently don't have the same list... so for us it's by school... and they choose not to update based on reality.

Ours include tissues, hand sanitizer, zip lock bags... and so on... but also the typical stuff. And yes, they do the communal thing. Now they offer the Package deal through the PTA... used to it was a good price... as good or better that what I'd pay for going to 5 stores... but then the district passed a rule saying that every school had to use the same vendor for those Packs and they chose one associated with Target... and the price went WAY up... in some cases like 40% more than the previous year for the same supplies. So, not worth it anymore. Which is a shame since now less parents order them which in turn means less funds for PTA, as they make a little off each one and more annoyance for parents.... no win all around.

And Office Depot is the ONLY store that ever has manilla paper... it's a huge pain, and at $3+ a pack it's pricey... everyone knows that only that place has it, and only for that little bit of time, so there's this huge rush and they run out... just a mess. Of course, soon as we decide to HS I find it randomly at Office Max... still pricey, but at least another store carries it, and year round to boot.

But that's elementary... football and whatnot is done through the Y, or the Optimist Club... not through the school. Parents pay for all of it, and it has nothing to do with school. Except that they wear uniforms to school sometimes... for most that's okay, totally in the rules, but the ones who let their 6 year old cheerleaders (or 12yo for that matter) prance around the school in a skirt that barely covers their bum need their heads examined IMHO.

DH took martial arts in HS, outside school, but with the right forms (and attendance) that counted as his PE credit... but, it was 100% paid for by his folks... not by taxpayers... that I have no problem with. But, expecting me to pay so your kid can strut their stuff playing a game, that does not benefit my child, any child not on the team, in any way... nope, doesn't compute.
I've gone to private school since Kindergarten and finally I'm a senior. I feel that is unfair that my parents have to pay public school taxes, private tuition, uniforms, and school supplies. Why should they pay taxes to public schools if the government gives nofinancial aid to the private school? Oh well, I just don't understand. Just my honest opinion.
MANILA PAPER! That was always big on the list (grew up in Dallas). We always bought it (and most school supplies) at the dime store--ME Moses. I doubt any of them still exist. Manila paper has never been even close to malking the list here.

But we had school football teams--starting in 5th grade. No cheerleaders until jr hi, and they were all 9th graders.
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The flu is the ONLY virus (that I know of at least) that when alcohol hits it it destroys the cell wall, thus killing the virus. Normally I'm not a big HandSan person, but during flu season it is actually useful. Especially when kiddos share crayons, pencils, etc. and they wipe their nose before the sharing... OY kids!

This year there were kids from every grade out with flu, swine and otherwise, some being out as long as two weeks. So, I don't mind the .99c to make sure my kids' hands are clean... but that is something I send to protect MY child... likewise I also keep mine home if they're sick... which others don't do... too inconvenient... *sigh*

For cleaning I use bleach... it's the only cleaner recommended by the CDC to kill bacteria AND viruses of ALL kinds.
If you love hand sanitizer don't read this.

One of my science projects last year was a controlled test of 10 different hand sanitizers. We took samples from so many different surfaces,, secretary's phone, sneeze guard in cafeteria etc. We had control groups. we had two petri dishes for each sample. We put the samples on the base, and then in the other dish we put it right into a glob of sanitizer on the base. In 8 out of 10 samples the bacteria grew faster and stronger on the sanitizer. Wash your hands folks,, it's the only way to kill and get rid of the germs. Don't trust the words Anti-Bacterial either,, WASH your hands.
You are kidding right ? ? ?

Students blow their nose and what - - - - send them to the restroom to wash their hands ?

I would hope between 1971 and now, we have learned a lot about how to prevent the spreading of germs.
My kids have always had lists for school supplies. The middle school even has gone so far as to color coordinate classes to try to make the kids more organized.
Math: 1 inch black hard binder
1 2 subject notebook
loose leaf paper
Calculator TI-34II (from 5th grade to 8th grade)
Language Arts: 1 inch red hard binder
red notebook
looseleaf paper
Science: 1 inch green hard binder
looseleaf paper
Social Studies: 1 inch blue hard binder
looseleaf paper

Art: 2 inch gum erasers

No trapper keepers No wheeled backbacks

This is just an example. The listed is give to the kids in their report cards on the last day of school. As for high school, the kids get their lists from the teachers on the 1st day of school.
This year looks a bit different

Name should be written on everything with an indelible marker (especially Gym Bags, Notebooks, Pencil Bags, Lunch Boxes, Planners and Calculators)

- Pens and pencils
-loose leaf paper for binders

-Language Arts
1" three ring binder
blue and red pens
1 two pocket folder with holes
dividers with tabs
3 x 5 index cards
Marble Composition Book

spiral notebook
pocket folder

Social Studies
Spiral or 3 ring notebook
pocket folder

red pen
spiral notebook (just for math 1, 3 or 5 subjects will be fine)
Pocket folder
Paper bag- (for a book cover, bring first day of school)

1 spiral notebook

1 subject notebook

2 pocket folder
1 subject notebook (can be shared with Spanish)

2 large 1 inch x 1 inch gum erasers
12 pencils (for entire year)
Students are asked to write their names in permanent marker on the erasers and pencils

General for all grades
thumb drive/flash drive for saving work

Notes for everyone:
Trapper Keepers and backpacks with wheel are NOT allowed because the do not fit in the school lockers. Locker organizers are not required, but they can be very helpful! ****Interior locker dimensions are 11 1/2 inches deep by 12 inches wide****

I myself had a TI-34 that lasted me from high school and through college. Can you believe I took all those math classes without a graphing calculator and passed them all? I still have the calculator and continue to use it. I too went to private school. My parents had to pay both taxes for public school and tuition as well as paid for a special bus because my school did not send buses out as far as I lived from the school. Definitely did not seem fair. I didn't think so then and I still don't think so.

Thanks to everyone who has given me tips to find a calculator that may not cost as much as $150
You are kidding right ? ? ?

Students blow their nose and what - - - - send them to the restroom to wash their hands ?

I would hope between 1971 and now, we have learned a lot about how to prevent the spreading of germs.

The kids are even allowed to go to the bathroom between classes now because of threats of school bombs found in the past in the bathrooms. Everyone must be signed out my a teacher.

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