Omg look at my gorgeous new silkie!


♥ Hatchaholic ♥
13 Years
Jun 19, 2009
Fort Myers, Fl





His name is pepper, the woman i got him from said she got him from a breeder named trisha here in florida what color would he be considered?
If he has patterning in the wings like a partridge, then he's grey. The wing feathers look solid black from the pics though. It looks to me though like he's just a very miscolored black. There are many variations of silver and gold in the hackles. He looks like a fairly extreme example of it. Some people call that color birchen. Its a DQ in the show ring if he is supposed to be black. Sonoran might be of more help on this one...
Here is the ASBC standard for grey:
Gray as in Gray SILKIE Plumage
Color of Male

HEAD: Dark Gray

NECK: Hackle-light gray streaked with darker gray

BACK: Even shade of chinchilla gray

SADDLE: To match hackle

TAIL: Main Tail, Sickles & Coverts-same as back

WINGS: Shoulders, fronts, bows & coverts-same as back. Primaries-slaty gray with center shafting of darker shade. Secondaries-slaty gray

BREAST: Light gray

BODY & STERN: Same as back

SHANKS & TOES: Thigh, shank and toe feathers-same as back

UNDERCOLOR: see female

Color of Female

HEAD: Chinchilla gray

NECK: Hackle-light gray streaked with darker gray

BACK & CUSHION: An even shade of chinchilla gray

TAIL: Main tail & coverts-same as back

WINGS: Shoulders, fronts, bows & coverts-same as back. Primaries and secondaries-solid even shade of slaty gray

BREAST: Light gray

BODY & STERN: Same as back

SHANKS & TOES: Thighs, shanks and toe feathers-same as back

UNDERCOLOR: Smoky gray of a shade not darker than top color

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