OMG wild duck nest transplant


12 Years
Feb 14, 2011
Southern Colorado
So right now is the time of year for cutting hay. My husband is cutting the pivot of alfalfa we have. Usually he runs over a lot of ducks and duck nests
, but now that he has me(who just got my first ducks this year) we can try to save some of the undamaged eggs. He has already run over about 10 nests. The problem is you can't see them until after is is too late (don't yell at me on here there is nothing we can do we tried to search for suspected spots but has anyone seen the size of a pivot?). Well, he just ran over one but there were 7 good eggs! The other 9 that were damaged looked about a week along. Some of the other nests I looked at had no good eggs and were further along but he told me he would keep looking. Well I have a turkey who has been brooding over a dozen golf balls so I just switched those out. Kicked her out of the nesting box so have to go check and see if she went to sit on the eggs in a bit but I hope it works. Duck eggs have a harder shell right? My turkey tried to sit on some chicken eggs but she broke them. I am hoping she will be able to hatch these but if not at least they had a second chance they wouldn't otherwise have. Anyway, thought I would share my story. Will upload pictures in a bit if anyone wants but a bit graphic from the broken eggs.

I know! But the alfalfa is about 2 feet high, I suppose it offers shade from the heat. plus we have many ditches near by for water. Also if you look up an alfalfa pivot or were to see one they grow much taller than the pastures we have so possibly more cover from predators and yummy alfalfa that does not grow as high other under irrigation conditions. Here in southern colorado we haven't even gotten an inch of rain so maybe they just wanted the best growing place?
Yes, and we always have a lot of wild ducks in the swampy areas and ditches. Well the 7 eggs are green and there was another nest with a more tan egg like a chicken egg. What do you think? Green is mallard? What would the tan be?
for the shell question, no duck shells are way thinner than turkeys, though she should hatch them.

This another one of those threads though , hate to be that guy but just be aware what you are doing is illegal even with good intentions in mind, whether the folks on here like to hear it or not. Personally, I would probably do it to on something like a mallard but that still doesnt make it legal to take them.... That's just the way the USFWS is with any migratory waterfowl.
Yes most waterfowl eggs are greenish tint too, the tan ones could be one of a few species though
If there is a bird rehabilitation center near you (such as a Raptor Center or Wild bird rehab center or other wild animal rehab) they will probably have some good advice for saving the eggs and chicks. They are licensed to handle them and knowledgeable. Good for you for trying to do the right thing, it is so important for us humans to try to live in harmony with wildlife.

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