On day 20 almost 21 of my first hatch


In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2015
South Carolina
In 2 hours I will be on day 21. I have none hatched yet. I have one that I dropped and cracked on day 17. I put scotch tape over the pretty big crack I saw movement right before lockdown. I didn't remove the tape prior to lockdown. The crack wasn't over the air cell so I though it would be ok. Yesterday around 1pm I heard peeping from this same egg. I just heard peeping 2hrs ago but no pips yet. I have 9 eggs total in the bator (brinsea Eco) this is the only one I hear peeps from. My question is how long after I hear peeps should they externally pip? We are over 24 hours now.
All eggs are different. If you still hear peeing you are good. Means you have internal pips. I've wait for a full day before. This is the hardest part - waiting. But I'm very excited to see if your dropped egg hatches. I'm a sucker for an underdog!!!
All eggs are different. If you still hear peeing you are good. Means you have internal pips. I've wait for a full day before. This is the hardest part - waiting. But I'm very excited to see if your dropped egg hatches. I'm a sucker for an underdog!!!
I kind of have a little attachment to this little cracked egg! I am really hoping it makes it!
Oh I almost forgot!:welcome
Oh I almost forgot!:welcome
I have been lurking for a long time

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