on the 27th day of incubation should the eggs be moving a lot

there may still be a point where you need to help, I think what everyone is trying to say though is that you should wait for as long as possible, because literally ducks take FOREVER. I had a few that I had to help because they had pipped on the opposite end of the egg that they were suppose to, and they couldn't hatch on their own. i had a boy that took 36 hours to hatch on his own though, and another that took almost three days. you just have to pay attention to what is going on with them, try to be patient, and when in doubt, ask BYC. you'll always find different opinions, (help, don't help) but ultimately its your choice; none of the rest of us are there to see what is going on. you'll know best when it happens.
i agree totally! hope u have a good hatch let us now if u need anything!
definitely! we love to see baby pics. :)
I sure hope I have baby pics to share. One egg has partially turned blue. I gather that means the duckling died???? I should go remove the blueish egg tomorrow when she goes out to eat & swim. It makes me kinda sad. Also I am getting very nervous and keep thinking maybe none will hatch. It is day 27 and I am having a hard time being patient. I want to see a duckling!!! Then it will be okay.
when one of my eggs turned blue it was because the duckling had pipped on the wrong end, and hit a blood vessel. thankfully, My mom has hatched eggs before and she was able to hatch that baby out but it took 36 hrs, and lots and lots of patience....it sounds like yours has been blue too long though.

I woke up today to this in the nest:

I couldn't be happier or more excited but I didn't see any pip, zip, or any signs at all---but she did sit tight on the nest yesterday. I am not worried about the others yet as I actually gave her one egg a day earlier than others. I was not sure she was broodie---she had just lost her sister & I thought she was depressed. She had sat in that box for over 2 weeks before I found her some eggs to sit on, plus she wasn't laying. I got eggs in hope she'd sit on them and hatch her own new friend. (I had tried another duck and she was having no part of it, she chased her away (Muscovy who flew off!).

Anyway---WE HAVE A DUCKLING!!!!!

Any idea what it may be?
The beak and legs are lighter, not as orange as the mother (who is full Pekin). The eggs came from possible Pekin/Pekin, Pekin/Khaki Campbell, or Pekin/Muscovy. I am thinking the Khaki Campbell X because of the early hatch date and the color difference from my Pekin.
Any thoughts????

I woke up today to this in the nest:

I couldn't be happier or more excited but I didn't see any pip, zip, or any signs at all---but she did sit tight on the nest yesterday. I am not worried about the others yet as I actually gave her one egg a day earlier than others. I was not sure she was broodie---she had just lost her sister & I thought she was depressed. She had sat in that box for over 2 weeks before I found her some eggs to sit on, plus she wasn't laying. I got eggs in hope she'd sit on them and hatch her own new friend. (I had tried another duck and she was having no part of it, she chased her away (Muscovy who flew off!).

Anyway---WE HAVE A DUCKLING!!!!!

Any idea what it may be?
The beak and legs are lighter, not as orange as the mother (who is full Pekin). The eggs came from possible Pekin/Pekin, Pekin/Khaki Campbell, or Pekin/Muscovy. I am thinking the Khaki Campbell X because of the early hatch date and the color difference from my Pekin.
Any thoughts????
All i can tell is it's awful cute. Congrats, I hope you get more.!!
It looks like it has some buff or tan color to it. maybe khaki campbell, but it could be muscovy cross too. I wouldn't guess full pekin though. one of the other crosses you said is my guess. :) cute

I woke up today to this in the nest:

I couldn't be happier or more excited but I didn't see any pip, zip, or any signs at all---but she did sit tight on the nest yesterday. I am not worried about the others yet as I actually gave her one egg a day earlier than others. I was not sure she was broodie---she had just lost her sister & I thought she was depressed. She had sat in that box for over 2 weeks before I found her some eggs to sit on, plus she wasn't laying. I got eggs in hope she'd sit on them and hatch her own new friend. (I had tried another duck and she was having no part of it, she chased her away (Muscovy who flew off!).

Anyway---WE HAVE A DUCKLING!!!!!

Any idea what it may be?
The beak and legs are lighter, not as orange as the mother (who is full Pekin). The eggs came from possible Pekin/Pekin, Pekin/Khaki Campbell, or Pekin/Muscovy. I am thinking the Khaki Campbell X because of the early hatch date and the color difference from my Pekin.
Any thoughts????
he/ she is too cute hope u have more hatch!

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