One chick with stubborn poopy butt


Mar 9, 2021
I brought home 6 ~day-old Easter Egger chicks from the farm store 4 days ago (so they're about 5 days old now) and they all seem to be doing pretty good. But one has chronic poopy butt - just the one, always the same one, Brenda - and I'm not sure what to do about it.

They're in a big bin with paper towel over pine shavings, brooder 87-90F (was 90-100 the first couple days because they were so cold when I first brought them home), plenty of room to be under there or be well away from it and cool off, so I don't think it's temperature. And they all migrate in and out of the brooder and are active, so seem healthy enough. They have plain (filtered, chloride-free) water and "gatoraid" water (with Sav-A-Chick) plus their chick crumbles with grit and fermented feed mash on the cool end. We've cleaned Brenda's bum every day now, multiple times a day. We tried vaseline but that seemed to make more stuff stick to her butt feathers. I gave her a tiny bit of greek yogurt mashed into chick crumbles today (her "parfait") because I read that might help. I read that giving her some coconut oil solids might help but I haven't tried that yet because I've been cautioned about giving oils to them.

Any ideas?

Maybe Brenda has more Araucana in her than the others and her glorious lineage is giving her poopy butt =|
I had a few chicks with this problem too... Mine seemed to just eventually grow out of it. I started checking them regularly and wiping/picking it away whenever I saw any and eventually it stopped. Maybe just keep her clean and wait to see if it clears up?
Eliminate the grit - they don't need it at this age, if you're only feeding them chick starter. Grit is for digesting other foods, like veggies & bugs. Sounds like she isn't drinking enough water - a vertical poultry nipple drinker could be helpful, since they like pecking at the shiny lever just for fun.
I have some like that, over a week old now and still require multiple 'baths' a day. I just handlg in there until theyre old enough it seems to jist stop. Some people make fermented feed and claim it helps
In all our batches of chicks - nearly all purchased- there is always some poopy butt, and usually 1 or 2 take a bit longer to resolve. But, in my experience it is never an issue after the 8-10 day mark. Most likely yours will get better within a couple of days. Keep checking and cleaning when needed.
Any ideas?
Just keep an eye and keep it clear.. it happens EVEN under broody's!

I agree it's usually a small window in which it happens. Not before day 3 usually and not to ALL chicks even under the exact same conditions.. genetics STILL vary.

Every spring *some* ladies seem to need bum feathers cleaned up as well. :sick

Hope it passes quickly! :fl
Happy to report no poopy butt this morning! I have them Greek yogurt treats twice (didn't want to give them too much). I'm not sure if that's what helped, but so far so good!

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