One chicken died, now two coughing, PLEASE HELP!


7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
Fayetteville, NC
My chickens have 2 coops and a 20'x20' fenced run with a gate that we only close at night, so they free range my backyard from the time they wake up until the time they put themselves to bed. They have 3 1 gallon water dispensers that we clean and refill daily, even if they aren't empty. We put out layer crumble feed and some oyster shell that they eat in addition to grass & bugs.

We have not added any chickens recently, and we have no other animals besides a cat that doesn't bother them. Once the weather started getting warm, the chickens would put themselves to bed on top of one of the coops as a roost, instead of inside their coop even though there is plenty of space/roosts inside. We tried picking them up and putting them in, but they'd run back out before we could get them in so just started letting them sleep out there since the pen is fully enclosed and we lock the gate at night. (We also live in the city, so it's not like we have wild animals that come looking for them at night).

Some of my chickens have more liquidy excrement than others, and always have. But recently we noticed one of our Americaunas was having diarhea a lot. When we were washing her bottom we noticed that her vent was sideways. She also spit up. Per suggestions on here we checked her crop in the morning which seemed fine. We checked her to see if there were eggs stuck inside (she was 5 1/2 months old and had not started laying), and couldn't feel any. We fed her yogurt, which was a suggestion. Yesterday afternoon we found her dead under the trampoline.

I've noticed that one of my barred rocks, who is the same age, is starting to have clear diarhea, which turns white when it dries. Also she and one other barred rock (who doesn't have diarhea) are coughing. At first I thought they were trying to bark because we have dogs on either side of our house that bark all day. But now it's clear its a cough. Nothing is coming out of their noses and they aren't spitting up. The one who died didn't have a cough.

I'm so worried, I don't understand how they can be getting sick. I'm a stay at home mom, and I clean the coops daily and make sure they are well cared for. They haven't been exposed to anything. Are the sicknesses related and what can I do about the cough???

Have they been wormed before or regularly?

If you pick her up and listen to her back do you hear crackling or rattling when she breathes?
No rattling or heaving breathing.
They just let out this random noise like a bark.
The one who died didn't have a cough.
She did have diarhea, which one of the 2 coughing have.'

They have never been wormed. They were ordered as day old chicks from a hatchery and were given the Marek's vaccination at hatching.

I've been keeping chickens for 6 months, so I am new to this. I have read books, but I've never heard of worming them. I didn't know I was supposed to or how to do it.
Read through this thread we were just discussing worming.. Worms will lead to diareaha and death in birds, they can not absorb nutrition. After worming you should see their poo start to solidify, you have to follow up with the second dose at the recommended time.

If you had rattling or crackling or further suspects of respiratory then look for treatment with either LA200 or Tylan 50.
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This just made me think of something!
When cleaning poo, one of my chickens not sure which, had all these little yellow balls in her poop (not diarhea) that looked like little tomato seeds at first. I saw two piles like that a few days ago, none since. I just assumed it was some sort of seed since they free range all day. Could this be a sign of worms???
Yes, it is.. And usually when you see signs they have a good load of them.. You can get the horse wormer paste at most livestock / feed stores (TSC, COOP etc.) if you have one close by. They may not have the Valbezan, mine don't so you will probably have to order it online.
Okay great thanks, I just posted on the link you sent me.

I called TSC and they said they do have horse paste, but they also carry Wazine (spelling?) for poultry and swine de-worming. Are you familiar with this product? I was going to run up there now and get it.
Don't waste your money on the Wazine it will not kill all the worms, especially the ones that you saw segments on.. Buy the paste that is listed on the other thread or the Valbezan, I read your post there also. I have posted there also.. all your chickens will be good for the smaller ones give them a half dose. If you do not worm them they will continue to do poorly or even eventually die from malnutrition.. Follow up with the second dose and treat at least 2x per year.

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