One dead one stolen


Oct 24, 2017
Hi everyone so this morning about 1030 I went outside and found my one chicken with her throat ripped off still warm and just left and the other is completely gone I can't find her, we're thinking either fox or raccoon but assume fox due to time of day. Any suggestions? Should I put my last chicken and ducks away for the rest of the day?
Hi everyone so this morning about 1030 I went outside and found my one chicken with her throat ripped off still warm and just left and the other is completely gone I can't find her, we're thinking either fox or raccoon but assume fox due to time of day. Any suggestions? Should I put my last chicken and ducks away for the rest of the day?
Hi, welcome to BYC! :frow

Sorry for your loss. :(

Don't discount certain predators just because of time of day. I suspect the coon. But could be a number of possibilities. Yes, I would lock them up until said predator was dispensed of properly which does NOT include trapping and relocating. :old
Well we just moved here a month ago we live in espanola ontario, the night we moved in we saw a big fox and we live out in the country, so we can have anything from fox to moose in our yard. We have a hunting camera and caught a pic of a big raccoon on it but also keep seeing that fox ourselves. My husband even bought a screeching fake thing to attract the predators but when he sat out he didn't see anything. Eventually we got that big fox but he has said he has saw more than one.
We'll I'm calling around to get some more chickens as poor copper will be lonley. Thanks for your ideas!
That's a great idea! We have like 50 acres and also for pugs so I'll hopefully catch a predator not a pug lol

LOL I get an occasional farm cat. BUT most of the cat's learn after the first round not to repeat. THEN there is yellow (big tom) 4 times so far I think he may have learned after his last "training session"

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