One egg with no shell and nothing since.

nchls school

8 Years
Apr 22, 2015
I have a young (4.5 months) serama pullet. A few weeks ago she laid an egg with no shell. Since then the pullet has not laid again.
The problem is not dietary or lack of calcium. The pullet looks and acts normal in every way with no symptoms what-so-ever.

This picture was taken last weekend.

Anyone have any thoughts or ideas?
Maybe she's just taking a while to get her egg-laying plumbing sorted out?

Or it's possible she has a low grade infection and it's retarding egg laying for the time being. Watch her behavior and stools to make sure she isn't sick and getting worse.

Sick pullets will become mute when before they've been very vocal. They will mope around along the edges of the run or coop with their tail held low and flat. Stools may be watery and if she'd off her appetite, may have green bits in it.

It's probably as CT suggests, though, she's just getting her assembly line tuned up.
My bantams layed some interesting eggs when the were five months. They only layed three, when they were around 9 to 10 months old they started to lay constantly and the eggs looked normal. Mabel your girl is still to young and figures get things out.
My bantams layed some interesting eggs when the were five months. They only layed three, when they were around 9 to 10 months old they started to lay constantly and the eggs looked normal. Mabel your girl is still to young and figures get things out.

Thank you for the response and hopefully you are correct.
Or it's possible she has a low grade infection This I wondered about and considered antibiotics. and it's retarding egg laying for the time being. Watch her behavior and stools to make sure she isn't sick and getting worse. Everything seems absolutely normal; the reason I'm hesitating on the antibiotics.

Sick pullets will become mute when before they've been very vocal. They will mope around along the edges of the run or coop with their tail held low and flat. Stools may be watery and if she'd off her appetite, may have green bits in it.

It's probably as CT suggests, though, she's just getting her assembly line tuned up. Hope so. 4 and 1/2 months is not too young for serama, but not old by any means.
I've had cockatiels be unproductive as the result of low level infections. There was no indication with them either other than no eggs. So maybe...

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