One good, one bad, one magical

I only act like a silly child on occasions! Crazy said pie, therefore the occasion arose!
And look! I am using excessive exclamation points and not looking back!!!!!!!!! Mwahaha!!!


Now for the point of the thread:

Good: I believe whatever cold thingy I have is getting better!

Bad: There are worse off out there, for sure,
but were I too list all the bad, I'd be head-to-head with Santa in the World's Longest List Competition.

Magical: It might rain today. Maybe.
We haven't had rain in weeks. So, it might be magical.
Good: I no longer have to take care of the rat!

Bad: I have a sore throat.

Magical: It's Monday and I'm out of bed on time.
One good...Erm, Crazy declared that his camping rights are rather important to him and made me grab The Broomstick for the SIXTH time?
Oh, and my exchange partner replied. I was getting scared there! Going to have to write a reply in German

One badI'm itching to say something nasty to someone but I'm not a nasty person
I'd feel bad afterwards. They're trying so hard to "hug and make up"...

One magical The clouds cleared away and blue sky has shown through!
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i thought i would do mine...

One Good: we got a bit of rain.

One Bad: We got some thunder today and i have eggs under a hen still to hatch! in fact 2 hens! thunders affects the egg and it wont hatch!

One Magical: My grandmother is getting better in hospital!
And for today *whistles*

One good I think I'm very close to achieving an unsavourily high amount of posts... blame the cotton candy sticks!!!

One bad I haven't had time to do one of my favourite pasttimes because I have to go home and.... ugh, write aphysics report!

One magical I made someone's day
One good Dezi let me clean out his back feet and touch his ears!!!!! I'm so excited I'm shaking, I just hope I didn't do it wrong.

One bad I feel like some of my friends just don't like me anymore. Several people continually ignore my posts! I feel like they think I'm not good enough to RP with them. One person I think avoids me and never replys. One of my closest friends has other friends and rarely ever has the time to RP with me anymore, although we may have fixed that one.
I never know what's going on, because I'm not on the inside and all people will tell me is "You don't wanna know" and wink.
My horse Dezi is just.....
. . .

One magical Hallelujah, it rained!!!!!!
Oh, horse, I'm sorry about your bad!
It's okay, I've been through roughly the same thing before, it passes! Sometimes the RP stories just lose their life, or they're distracted. Start something awesome of your own, then everyone will be interested!

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