One Legged Duck Help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
This going to be a long explanation. I apologize for that.

On Aug 8, my SIL told me that one of my ducks got stuck between the wall of the garage and the wire mesh of their coop. (I was on vacation. The ducks were temporarily being housed in the garage while a bigger pen was being built for them.) She thinks that the duck flew over the coop and slip down the wall and got stuck. She got it free and looked it over. The duck appeared fine and walked normally.

On Aug 10, I was home again and noticed the duck my SIL rescued was limping slightly. I decided to keep an eye on it and see if it got worse.

Aug 12: The limping had gotten worse so my mom and I captured the duck. We brought her inside and put her in a tub of warm water deep enough for her to float in. I examined the foot that was troubling her and noticed early signs of bumblefoot.

Aug 15: I have been capturing her everyday and bringing her inside to soak her foot. Her limping has progressively gotten worse. Her bumblefoot hasn't gotten any worse. I am trying to soften the bumblefoot so that I can peel it off. I'm trying my hardest to not have to cut her. (Their new pen outside is completed and they are moved.)

Aug 16: I notice her trying to not use her foot while she walks. She keeps her foot off the ground and together. She doesn't spread the webbing between her toes.

Aug 17: My duck refuses to use her foot at all. She hops around on one leg. When I put her in the tub to soak, she will let the leg drag behind her as she swims. I left her in the tub for an hour while I waited for my mom to get home to help. The duck was moving her foot slightly by the end of her swimming session.

Aug 18: She still refuses to use her foot. She spends her time in the kiddie pool or laying down. I spent today cleaning their old pen in the garage. I plan to finish cleaning it out tomorrow and separating her from the others. I might catch one other duck to put in the pen with her so she doesn't get lonely.

Okay. So I need some help. Her bumblefoot does not seem like its that serious of a case.
Is there any other reason why she would refuse to use her foot? Any other suggestions on how to care for her?

Here is a picture of her on the first day I brought her inside to soak. She was still using her other leg normally, but had a slight limp.
I would examine the foot, toes to the upper leg. She may have sprained or broken it. I would also just look around and see if something else got poked, and she has an injury you had not noticed.

I would use Epsom salt compresses and T-Relief gel (just a little dab rubbed up and down the entire leg).

If possible, I would get to a vet. I understand that's not always an option.

It may be that she has something else going on that just is coincidental - are there drakes mating with her? Could she be egg bound? That can place pressure on the nerves of the legs and cause problems.
All of my ducks are 3 months old. I have 3 drakes to 9 females.
She's not using that leg at all.
I did notice today that she was spreading her foot out more and would let her toes touch the ground for balance when she stood. She hasn't done that in a couple days.
I have felt her toes and leg a couple times and can't feel anything wrong. It feels the same as her non injured leg.
Ya know, she may have a pinched nerve. Can you get some T-Relief gel? Or St. John's wort cream? It is said to help with nerve damage. Maybe that's just silliness, but I use that kind of thing. Worst case, you might help by massaging the leg as you apply the gel or cream.

I use T-Relief on myself and the ducks for sprains and pulls.
Thanks for the advice. Here are a couple of pictures I took yesterday.

This is how she typically holds her foot.

This is her injured foot. You can see the bumble on her toe. She did have another, smaller one on the pad of her foot, but I took care of that one a few days ago. This bumble is starting to soften now.

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