One of my chicks poo'd and it looked as if it was tinged in blood.....


Dances with Chickens
14 Years
Feb 24, 2009
Strasburg Ohio
This little chick, probably less than a week old, is a Houdini! I have never had a chick that young escape my brooder, but it did....It must have been out for some time, because when it heard my voice, it came running! I noticed some poo looked like it could be a bit bloody. It drank and ate and seems fine, and so do all the other chicks, but I can't help but be paranoid....

Could the red tinge just be from the stress of the chick being out of the brooder, or could it be cocci?

What would y'all do? Just wait a bit and see, or does them with some Corid just in case.....The Vet said it's a very safe drug, but these chicks are very young, so I don't want to OD them...All five chicks are less than a week old, and I have two Poults that are also that age....Can poults take it?

I am not 100% sure if I remember the doseage for the 20% bovine powder...(That's what I have). Does anybody remember as far as TSPS Per gallon? TSPS PLEASE!!!! I thought it was two.....

Thank you!

Corid 20% soluable powder dosage is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water. Mix the corid daily with freshwater for 5 consecutive days. I would give it to all your chicks, not sure about poults though.
If it drank heavily when you found it, it may have been slightly dehydrated, and sometimes this can cause a bit of blood in the stools. Plus, if you are feeding medicated chick starter the chances of cocci are much less. I think if it were mine I'd watch for a day or so, and if you see a repeat of the bloody stool after you know the escapee is well hydrated, then you might consider the corid. But in young chicks, anything that disrupts their intestinal flora - be it dehydration OR corid - can cause problems, so the best approach to any medication is a conservative one.
I remember seeing that, THANKS! It's so hard to tell....sometimes the cecal looks a bit red too. My brooder is in the basement, and it's very dry and clean. I don't think it's a cocci environment, but you never know. I bought two of the chicks at a swap meet......I really like them all, but I am especially concerned for the Poults. These are my first baby turkeys.....

One year, when it was very hot and rainy, my Brabanter chicks all came down with cocci, bloody poo everywhere. They were outside in my A-frame coop, and it has a dirt floor. Anyhow, i dosed them before they even looked sick, they seemed fine otherwise.....And they all survived. I was not in doubt at all about the blood...

This time I'm not so sure.......They're inside a nice, dry brooder in the house, with fresh water.......

OH, so hard to decide......
Thank you Dawg and Spiritdance......You are both sooo helpful.....I will wait until tomorrow morning, I think......Since I'm not 100% sure...I can't believe that little chick escaped. I'm using a really big plastic storage bin, and it's very tall.....I've never had a chick that little escape! LOL

Dawg, I need to keep a journal or something....I can't remember what happened two hours ago let alone last year! LOL Thanks for the doseage!
With that kind of environment, I'd be even more inclined to think the chick was stressed and dehydrated. How long has the houdini been back in the brooder?
I don't know how long the little chick was out, but I got home around 5:30 and found it, and the little fuzz ball ate and drank and drank and drank! So I went down about an hour or so later to look at it, and it did a little squat and squirt, and it looked a bit red....But I was not 100% convinced that it was blood.
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Thank you Dawg and Spiritdance......You are both sooo helpful.....I will wait until tomorrow morning, I think......Since I'm not 100% sure...I can't believe that little chick escaped. I'm using a really big plastic storage bin, and it's very tall.....I've never had a chick that little escape! LOL

Dawg, I need to keep a journal or something....I can't remember what happened two hours ago let alone last year! LOL Thanks for the doseage!

LOL. I can relate, I write everything down in a notebook and refer to it like I just did for you! Besides, I never know if my laptop will die when I need it most...would be my luck.
OH, the environment is a big plastic storage bin, with a brooder light on one end, and I have clean,dry pine shavings in there with fresh water every day. It's in my storage room in the basement, which is very dry. The little chick came out from under a desk, with some cob webs clinging to it.......

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