One of our dogs is a bone hider


10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Eastern North Carolina
Lucky the bone hider.


she is just to funny about hiding bones. All thru deer season they get their share of leg bones and ribs from deer and Lucky has taken to hiding them. Under a tarp, in the flower bed, pushed under leaves. The other 3 dogs are happy to chew on them and just leave them. The the bone hider goes behind them and stashes them for a rainy day I guess. lol

One of our AmStaffs, Maggie, does that. We've never had one that has hidden bones before. Its really funny watching her decide where to hide it, and is evidently a really serious decision. She has hidden them in the sofa, in DH's closet, under futon pillows. It is hysterical!
We have the same issue with our Pyr. She made he Xmas rawhide last for almost 2 days by lording our it, burying or hiding it, digging it up and sometimes even chewing it. She even passed up mealtime because she couldn't leave the bone unattended
It's actually kind of funny. I believe when she was younger one of the dog stole her bone when she wasn't looking. But, now she's the Alpha and out weights the next in line by about 60-70 lb. so you would think she wouldn't need to worry.

Eeew! My old dog used to take her rawhides out into the snow to bury them, then would go get them after a couple of weeks. By then they had reconstituted back into pliable skin - gross! She'd run around shaking them, and they made the grossest flapping noises! I had forgotten all about that icky memory until I read this - thanks!
I don't have bone hiders but I do have bone hoarders. My cavalier Jack and one of his sons, Tucker (5 months) try to gather all the bones, treats up in one pile and then guard them. Not sure what to do about that.
Our 13 year old Beagle is a "hider" too. He does hide bones outside, but his favorite thing to hide are stuffed animals (I pick them up at yard sales for 25 cents). He carries them around outside until he finds the prefect spot then buries it ~ sometimes it takes him an hour. We live in the woods so there are lots of good hiding spots. He usually has 3 or 4 hidden and always remembers where they are.

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