One of the new kittens gravely ill- reached Rainbow Bridge

Yes it was a very good idea. Couldn't get through to the vet though. Was wondering though if a little dab of poultry vitamins would be approximately the same thing. That was the other question I had for the vet. I don't want to spend a fortune on something that I might already have in my cubbard. But if my little guy needs can bet I'll buy it.
The geritol has alot more iron, and thats a real benefit for an anemic kitten.

Its working very well on our little kitten, she actualy played with her siblings for a few minutes today.

Some of the abandoned/orphaned kitten formulas on-line add baby vitamins to their receipes. "poly-vi-sol with iron" is a liquid and available without a perscription (at Walmart). Just a drop would be alot. ASk your vet. If you have or get it be careful with handling it...the smell is hard to wash off your hands. Must also be diluted (even for a baby) and tastes awful, so they hate it. Must be given with food (or upsets their stomachs...babies).
I hope your little one is starting to show signs of improvement.
Well another long night but he actually got up off the towel covered heating pad and drank some water from his bowl. I take that as some marked improvement. Still force feeding him the KMR that the vet gave me along with some Hills Science Diet a/d moist cat food. Been mixing it with the formula. Added the egg yolks and oil like you suggested. Also added some raw un-pasturized apple cidar vinegar like I stated in the other post. I went ahead and put a couple of drops of the liquid vitamins in his food until I can get the liquid Geritol today. His cough sounds like he's trying to cough up a fur ball. Eyes still weepy from the viral infection but he's a trooper. The kittens have grown almost 2 inches in the last 3 weeks. They're all 10 inches long now. His two sisters monitor him as well. They will come over to him and fall asleep with him to keep him company and warmth I think. Here's a picture of the three of them last night. Saske the little guy is on the far right (long grey coat). Even my 8 year old cat Rowdy has been coming over to check up on him. He was upset in this picture(hence the ears)because the other two kittens wouldn't stop using him as a trampoline. I'm really hoping for some more progress. Thanks everyone!


Hey! I'm glad there is improvement. Just a thought, Do cats like vinegar? I suggest you save some of your mixture with the vinegar (and geritol) to force feed as medicine if you wish. Then if you offer them formula/egg yolk mix (without vinegar) in between, they may drink it on their own, and more of it. (It may help the others stay healthy, and strengthen the little one.) If the KMR is too expensive for all of them, regular milk is usually tolerated OK.
Anyway, you have been working diligently there, and doing a great job. Keep us posted. Thanks,
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The little calico one looks like one of my cats I lost a couple of months ago from complications of diabetes. Poof had long hair, but was marked very much like yours. I miss her dearly.

P.S. I'm glad your little guy seems to be doing better.

I've raised many kittens on this formula: 1 cup milk
1 egg yolk
1 tsp light corn syrup
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Well he is still with us as of this morning and I'm surprised. Even my husband (who DOES NOT LIKE CATS) has been checking and spending some time with him. We went and got some more moist cat food for his two sisters and I've been putting some of the KMR, apple cider vinegar and liquid Geritol in with the moist cat food, stirring it up well and then giving it to the girls. They eat it all up. I want to maintain their health and boost them up as well. Saske is just so thin compared to his sisters. Hoping and praying that soon I might see some REAL improvement. I know everything that he does at this point is improvement, but I just want him healthy again. I miss watching him play with his sisters. I know they miss playing with him desparetly. They try to play with him, but he just can't do it. Still to sickly. I'm trying to stay optimistic, but am terribly guarded at this point and time.
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I think I probably typed a morning report too soon. He just seems to be getting lighter and lighter. His two sisters seem like giants (weight wise) to him right now. I just noticed that not even 5 min. ago. I sat him down after finishing feeding him his 4 ml. of formula with Geritol. He can't even stand and walk now without swaying and falling. I'm afraid that soon he will pass. I've tried not to feed him to much at one sitting. Don't want to overload his organs. His feedings have been consistant though. I just really hope he is not suffering. If he is, then I won't sit by and watch it. I will take him to the vet. Just wanted to update you all. Thanks for the continued support.

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