One skittish chick. How do I gain her trust??


In the Brooder
May 6, 2016
Hello. I recently got 4 baby chicks. They are all happy and healthy. They are all calm and don't mind being around me, except one. She is the only White Crested Black Polish. Whenever I am near the chicks she starts peeping and runs off. All the other don't care. How can I get her trust?
My "go to" tool in my pet toolbox is my voice. I talk constantly to all of my animals and find that it helps settle someone who is looking stressed because they think they are about to be eaten. If you start talking as you approach, they will learn that it's "just mum/dad" who is coming. Then the food appears and in time they will trust you as "not a stranger" who supplies the dinner.

How long have you had them and how old are they? If they are really young and you haven't had them long, I'd give it some time to get used to you. Relax and don't take it personally when they flee. It's instinct. In time, they'll know you aren't a predator.
Train her to trust you...train them all to trust you and to come to you when you call them.


When you enter the room make the same sound each time, this is your call. I just say "Bok, Bok, Bok" when I enter the room. Then feed them by hand...they will see you as the provider. They will come to you when you enter the yard, and they will come to you when you call them.

Feed them by will see a change in less than 3 or 4 days.


Works with all poultry.
Yeah, Ease them into it by petting and making you seem safe, they'll be happy in no time :)

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