One very LARGE chicken.

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Circle (M) Ranch
10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
I know that there was more than one post asking "what is the largest breed of chicken so when I found this photo on another form and had to post it here.
He (the chicken) weighs in at 8.5kg (18.7392923 lbs) and was said to be a Asil. This bird makes a Jersey Giant look small.

(Not My Bird)

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I have seen some pictures of those. I believe there called Brazilian Giagtica. I heard there are some people trying to import some to the States.
Who needs a guard dog when you have rooster like that in your yard! I will spend the rest of my life trying to get a chicken like that.
That is a real chicken right??? Not something photo shopped. At first it looked like an inflatable chicken or one really large dog toy. I would NOT want to get spurred by that one. What till a hawk meets that one. You would need pretty large hens for breeding with Chickenzilla. Too scary for me, I'll just wait for the movie.
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