\~ * >One Will Reign< * ~/ a wild horse role-play


(Mountain herd)~ Smoke picked his way up the narrow path to Flat-peak, leading the two elders and Twilight behind him. "You got it, Cala?" he called back to his aunt.

"What do you think I am, a 2 day old filly? I practically made this path" Winu-cala snorted.

Shimmer tripped on a branch.
Twilight paused to sip from the spring at the base of Flatpeak before springing up the mountain after Shimmer.
Chumani dozed beneath Black Pine, while Bluebird suckled.
Lily side-stepped down a steep cliff, eyeing the bright green grass by the river beneath her.
(valley herd) ~ Misae romped in Sun-soak field with Hinto. "Come on, let's race!" she whinnied, and took off across the valley.
Hinto snorted, but sprinted after her, catching her and passing her quickly and easily. He reached the other side of the trees and spun around on his haunches. "I win" he said with mock pride.
Misase cantered up to him, her tail flagged and her eyes bright. "But do you have enough energy to get back?" she teased as she did a perfect pirouette and galloped back.
(Gang herd)
Flood grazed in a thick grove of willows beside a small pond, his ears pricked warily, listening for the slightest hint of a herd horse.
Waganeeska stood at the edge of a cliff, his head lowered as he overlooked a valley. Far below in the distance that divided him from the flat plains was a herd of horses. He recognized it's leader, a stallion he had fought and defeated more than once. He blew a warm breath from his nostrils with the eagerness to challenge the stallion again, but slowly turned and pranced towards a boarder of bushes that sprung up from the dry earth, dividing the flat land from the steep in incline. Passing the bushes Waganeeska scented the air before traveling the direction opposite of the herd.
Agapios trotted over to Night-Mare and turned sideways, revealing a gash in his front leg. He cleared his throat "it seems as though I have a tear in my Leg." He spoke calmly.

Night-Mare shook her head in disbelief " No, it seems as though you weren't being careful." She corrected him as she took care of his wound " I can't believe that you run through the forest every day but yet you still manage to come back with some kind of injury. I bet it's because you're trying to impress Swift."

Inferno galloped confidently around the herd's camp, snorting at all the happy horses.
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