Online Coupons?

Iowa Roo Mom

Resistance Is Futile
11 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Keokuk County
Does anyone know a good site that I can get online coupons from? I'm really tightening the reins around here and coupons are a great way to save $$$. Coupons for anything from groceries to cleaning supplies, anything I can use around the house (but especially groceries) would be appreciated!!!
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I don't know.... but be careful that those you find are actually valid! The internet scares me on stuff like that!

Maybe if your local supermarket chains have webistes, do they have coupons on there? At least you could be sure they were legit.
Deal seeking mom, on FB... she has links to allll kinds of coupon sites..(need to search for them on her links..)
You just go to the site, click on the coupon and print them out...
Like etc...
If you cant find her, or the links, let me know i'll help you out..
smile.png has forums for different grocery stores and drug stores, and they frequently list coupon matchups and post links to the online printable ones. There's also a coupon database that tells of various places to find coupons. Often times manufacturers will post coupons on their websites, or you can just call a customer service number for a product and they will send you coupons in the mail. is also a good site.

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