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Or DMRippy might still have some.
It is our 35th wedding anniversary today. I woke up to put the yorkie pups out, and the little female, Dixie, was unresponsive. I rushed her to the vet, her blood sugar was 30 and her O2 sat was 74%. They still have her there, but the vet gives her less than a 50% chance of survival. We had planned to go out for dinner, but I just didn't have the heart for it. Already this year I lost my 13 year old Siamese that was my best buddy. It almost seems if you dare to love an animal, it is doomed to die.
Or DMRippy might still have some.
It is our 35th wedding anniversary today. I woke up to put the yorkie pups out, and the little female, Dixie, was unresponsive. I rushed her to the vet, her blood sugar was 30 and her O2 sat was 74%. They still have her there, but the vet gives her less than a 50% chance of survival. We had planned to go out for dinner, but I just didn't have the heart for it. Already this year I lost my 13 year old Siamese that was my best buddy. It almost seems if you dare to love an animal, it is doomed to die.

Aw, Deb so sorry to hear about Dixie. I pray she recovers quickly. Bless her heart and years and Happy Anniversary!

~ Aspen
Thanks for your support, I guess someone was listening, because the vet called this morning and DIXIE IS UP AND WALKING AROUND!!!!
Truly a miracle! I think I will start carrying her with me when I go shopping to be sure she eats regularly and give her yogurt every night. I am sure the vet will have suggestions.
Thanks for your support, I guess someone was listening, because the vet called this morning and DIXIE IS UP AND WALKING AROUND!!!!
Truly a miracle! I think I will start carrying her with me when I go shopping to be sure she eats regularly and give her yogurt every night. I am sure the vet will have suggestions.
Thanks for your support, I guess someone was listening, because the vet called this morning and DIXIE IS UP AND WALKING AROUND!!!!
Truly a miracle! I think I will start carrying her with me when I go shopping to be sure she eats regularly and give her yogurt every night. I am sure the vet will have suggestions.

Hoorah for Dixie!! Wonderful news Deb!!

~ Aspen
Thank you all. The vet wants to keep her for another day. He said she has coccidia again, that almost killed her last time, she was so weak. I never knew little dogs were so fragile. Never had all this difficulty with my papillons.
Thank you all. The vet wants to keep her for another day. He said she has coccidia again, that almost killed her last time, she was so weak. I never knew little dogs were so fragile. Never had all this difficulty with my papillons.
Oh, the poor darling. We shall keep her in our prayers.

~ Aspen
Thanks, I got a call from the vet this morning, she had suffered seizures and been treated but in the end it was no good and we had to have her put down. RIP Dixie....
Thanks, I got a call from the vet this morning, she had suffered seizures and been treated but in the end it was no good and we had to have her put down. RIP Dixie....
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