Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Shelly, glad the little guy is doing okay.


We got a free 10x12 Morgan wood frame shed a couple of months ago. I work with a guy that had to place his father in an assisted living home and when he sold the house the people didn't want the shed so I asked if I could have it. My husband took the trailer and tractor to get it. He was able to pull the shed up onto the trailer as it was built on skids so didn't have to take it apart. He did have to bring the shed home and unload it then go back for the tractor. Thankfully we have two tractors. Hope you are able to get the shed because it sure will save on some building time and cost.

My co-worker has been a real sweetheart because after he gave us the shed, a dog house, some bricks, woods, etc. then he gave us a gift card to a nice restaurant for helping him out. I tried to tell him that he didn't need to do that after all the stuff he gave us but he wouldn't hear of it. He's on my Christmas list for a bunch of homemade goodies.
Today I couldn't get the shed because it was raining, but she said I could pick it up Friday. She said it might be even bigger than she estimated:) Maybe I should rent a truck.
I did ship four boxes of eggs today. I bought some 4 ' sections of 2x4s for $0.51 ea. at Home Depot today. I met a lady at the feed store and sold her two dozen hatching eggs. Dropped off 6 dozen eggs at the restaurant. Got a call from the guy that bought chicks the other day, he wants to come buy more tomorrow .
Bought more 2x4x8s so I can start the next coop. And I got some welded wire for runs.
Last night around 12:30, the production reds started yelling. So I went down there, and the door to the run was open. I am not sure how that happened, but I checked the coop and the run. No varmints, but I am going to reinforce that run with welded wire. It was one of the first pens I built so it has just chicken wire. Not enough around here.
Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy again, so I may build nest boxes in the garage and that tunnel I need to make.
Deb, I missed your update last night.

Nothing new going on here. I really need to get my pens done. I'm kind of in a slump and don't feel like doing anything right now. I'm going to get feed right now. Its a good thing the price has gone down some.
Thanks, Jim! I was messed up because I got an early birthday/ Christmas gift and I was busy with it. DH bought me a laptop !!! So he was trying to load the pictures from my phone onto the laptop so hopefully I might someday be able to post my own pics. He got the hook up for Wifi and everything, so much better than dial up. After three hours of loading, nothing!:p I didn't get much accomplished yesterday anyway, it was rainy and dreary all day. I did sell two more boxes of chicks, and four dozen eating eggs. One black sexlink started laying. Go girls, go! I could have sold a couple dozen more eating eggs if I would have had them to sell. Set thirty more eggs. Took three buckets of chicks down to the barn and put them in the brooders in the warm room.
Today I started on the frame for the new coop, and worked on installing the tunnel running from the laying coop to the hay ring run. Just about done that part. Still need the skirt done. Finished lashing the wire on the hay ring, DH did the top before, I did the bottom. Need to paint the plywood door, the rain is wrecking it. Must go water them all.
HI, all. I got a lot of junk and stuff cleaned up today bunch of folks coming over tomorrow.I did get get the tar paper up on the big coop and got some sheet metal up. Every body have a happy thanksgiving.
Hey Coach, Happy Thanksgiving ! I read somewhere the traditional meal used to be Roast Goose before the pilgrims found plentiful wild turkeys in New England. I would rather eat turkey any day.
So my baby quail are hatching, got me all enthused so I went out to the garage and started building the quail feeder for the other side of the duplex. Had to stop because it was getting late and DH was trying to sleep. But I got a lot done. I need to find a board to drill holes in for them to stick their heads into to get at the feed. And a couple more pieces for the front and back. Then tomorrow I will paint it and hopefully install it. Then I can move the big quail out of the brooder. I also took a stacking storage bin and screwed a piece of plywood on top for an instant nest box for the tractor my polish are in. One of those girls started laying. I need to make several more.
Happy Turkey Day! I think this was the best feast ever! DH is an excellent cook, and everything was perfect! It was a picture perfect, sunny and comfortable temp. day. We worked on the next chicken coop. I had started the frame, and DH built the other wall today and installed the window. I painted all the framing wood and some plywood. I also cut a hole in the wall of the quail duplex. I painted most of the wood for the feeder, and DH did the caulking. Just a bit more work to do. SOMEDAY i am going to get the quail in there. More baby quail and chicks in the bator this morning. I need to go check again to see if more popped out. Woot! I actually posted my own picture on the auction! DH helped with that too. A good day, enjoyed by all.
All i did today was feed the animals and eat to much! We did get the Christmas tree up tonight maze well. it's Christmas everywhere else.Tomorrow i get to do a funeral that will help pay for some pigeon feed.
The tree is up already? You must be an overachiever, Coach:lol:
Today I went to Jackson to pick up the shed, but her new shed isn't coming until after Christmas so i get to wait. I went to Wally World to try and get a printer for my new laptop, but they were sold out so i bought it online for the same price. Got a super deal, 80% off lumber because i bought a bundle of culls, including two sheets of plywood for like $20. It also included two boards i use for nest box construction and i needed those, as well as 2x2 and 2x4. All stuff I can use. Got a pair of Jeans for under $10 and a pair of sweat pants cheap. But they were out of the other sale items i wanted because i waited until late to go. Bought several rolls of chicken wire, different widths. Got a can of exterior paint for $10, chocolate brown, yum:)
I got home after buying more feed, and DH had cut down a tree, chopped it up and stacked it behind the house. And he built another side for the chicken coop, and two doors! So tonight after feeding i gave them a coat of paint(the sides of the coop) not the chickens:lol:. I had a message from one of my customers, he wants to buy more chicks, so i called him and he came over and got all the brown egg layer chicks i was willing to sell. Guess i need to put more eggs in the bator. Woot!
Strange day today. First the funeral, i set up the pigeons in the parking lot to let them go and the people came out with a glass of wine and did a toast then a collage cheer woooo pigs sooie. He must have been a fan to the end!! I came home to work on the coop and looked every where for the tin snips and didn't find them.So i'll paint the front of the pen. When i got my paint [ the red barn paint] i opened it up and it was black. I didn't even know they made black barn paint. So i painted it anyway, it was sort of thick and went on like tar--looked like tar too-- Black front the rest barn red, kind of looks halloweenie.Hope i don't have a haunted coop!
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