Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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DH had a stroke, but is back to work today. I am thankful he is still able to walk, but hoping he regains some of the vision he lost. I was going to go to town today but I think I will stay home and catch up on chores . Thank you for your support, friends:)
I have been thinking something up with you.Sorry to hear about DH ,hope he get's better.Still crazy with to many chicks and chickens down there.
Went to town today, bought a birthday cake for my neighbor and one for our anniversary on Monday. We have been married since 1978!
I packed eggs and was waiting to see if the mailman brought me anything. A guy showed up to talk to me about the pond we are having dug. No sooner had we got down into the pasture when the mail person beeped:p So I will have to go to the po tomorrow . They are supposed to start digging Monday.
The foxes are still around. The guy who is doing the pond says he has a big trap I can borrow. I am fighting a losing battle with the mice in the barn. The best trap seems to be those big 5 gallon buckets from home depot. You put a bit of feed in the bottom and put it where the mice can jump down in. Then they can't jump out. I have caught as many as 6 in a day in one bucket. Plus if the chickens get in there, they can't get hurt.
DH is doing well, but he insisted on unloading feed and got dizzy. I swear, he thinks he is made of steel. Would it hurt him to relax to a bit?
Guineas are hatching again, getting some white ones:)
Went to town today, bought a birthday cake for my neighbor and one for our anniversary on Monday. We have been married since 1978!
I packed eggs and was waiting to see if the mailman brought me anything. A guy showed up to talk to me about the pond we are having dug. No sooner had we got down into the pasture when the mail person beeped:p So I will have to go to the po tomorrow . They are supposed to start digging Monday.
The foxes are still around. The guy who is doing the pond says he has a big trap I can borrow. I am fighting a losing battle with the mice in the barn. The best trap seems to be those big 5 gallon buckets from home depot. You put a bit of feed in the bottom and put it where the mice can jump down in. Then they can't jump out. I have caught as many as 6 in a day in one bucket. Plus if the chickens get in there, they can't get hurt.
DH is doing well, but he insisted on unloading feed and got dizzy. I swear, he thinks he is made of steel. Would it hurt him to relax to a bit?
Guineas are hatching again, getting some white ones:)

Glad to hear your hubby is doing better!
Try a 5-gallon bucket half-full of water. Then throw sunflower seeds all across the top-they will float. Put a narrow board across the top of the bucket to "help" the mice reach the seeds better. I have never tried this-we don't have a mouse problem, but I have heard that it works well.
Glad to hear your husband is doing better. Seems to me you both could use a little slowing down and relaxing. If I remember correctly, you have a few health problems also. Both of you take care.
He refuses to slow down, he is as bad as I am. He mowed the grass today, I thought it could wait but he did it anyways. I took down the cross fence in the old logging road so the bull dozer can get down there if they come on monday. Also burnt the pile of brush I had stacked up last week. We need to get the area cleaned up a bit, lots of old deadfall from when it was clear cut years ago.
DH did take time to watch the hockey game and the Preakness with me. We are going out to dinner Monday night:)
Sold some chickens today, cleaned one of the outdoor brooders and moved the heritage rir out there. Hatching out guineas, have fourteen so far. Will have to call the lady that wants them.
I don't know if we are still going on our trip, I don't see how I can possibly get ready by then.
Deb.. glad to hear that hubby is doing better... but yes.. you truly married your soulmate as neither of you know how to (on a side note--I too was married in 1978)

I spent the day in Athens yesterday for my nephews graduation. We went out to eat to celebrate and ooh by the time I got home I had a headache and a stomach ache.. that steak was SO GOOD.. I surly hope it wasn't the cause of my pain. spent most of the evening in bed and thankfully I feel much better this morning. I have new chicks hatching.. alot of Jersey Giants and my box from Deb -- some leghorns as well. I have peeked through the window and see a few little heads peeking back. I need to get the brooder ready -- need to clean all the brooders actually - but grass needs mowing (badly), house needs cleaning, laundry, last week of school planning.. the list goes on. One box of eggs to pack for mailing tomorrow.. course I haven't yet gone to the chain

Have a happy Sunday everyone.

Well we can't lay around and be sick,we got too much to do.I'm glad dh is getting better.Go out and nag at him about doing to much.That's what my wife dose.We got some nice young laying hens,cimmion queens.Last week my wife had to go to the store and buy some eggs .All of mine where sold or in the bator.I got another feeder pig today to keep the other one happy.She was not a real small pig,but while we where putting up shade cloth ,she put her head in one of the squares of the cattle panel she popped out.The chase was on .She ran around every where and then went back into the pen.So the entire family hauled used sheet metal and wired it to the bottom to the panels.It took all after noon.Nothing like a pig out to get the family together.
Today we cut down trees where the pond is going to be , and after DH went back to the house I piled and burned four piles of brush. The goats had all day to eat leaves, so they were loving that. Tomorrow if no rain, the guy should be here to dig the pond.
when I checked the Hatcher tonight, found a little runner duck stuck to his shell. I will sure be glad when I get my new hatchers.
Don't know how I can get ready to go to FL, I still have not finished planting the garden:p
The pond is done, we just need lots of rain to fill it up. It is even bigger than I thought it would be. The guy did a good job, now hopefully it will hold water.DH is already looking forward to skating on it this winter.
We ate at Red Lobster tonight. It was weird driving with DH as a passenger in his own car. Dinner was good, but I have not been feeling so great. I brought a lot of it home for later.
I hatched out two runner ducks, way cute! And so far I have four pheasants that hatched. The people are supposed to pick up their guinea keets tomorrow . I need to buy feed tomorrow .
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