Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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When i drove the big trucks and i was home my wife drove me everywhere.The last thing i wanted to do was drive.I hope you get lots of rain for your pond,it has only rained here 2 times all spring.The grass is starting to die around here.I hired a young man to help me with some of my big jobs.He scrapped out the pigeon house--it's 24 feet long and we cleaned out the barn .It was not been cleaned in 2 years.Also we took down one wall to add more doors so i can clean the barn with my tractor.We spent 6 hours pulling nails and stacking 2x6 from the pile of lumber i got for free.Today i am real sore and not doing much.LOL
Now the pump on the well quit working! It is always something. I think my ear infection is coming back for the third time:p Sold a dozen guinea keets and two chicks today. Bought feed, they screwed up the order again but I checked it before I left. Recycled my aluminum and took my neighbor out to lunch.
We are running low on rainfall too. No rain forecast for this week, just hot and miserable. Have to visit fl to cool off.
The eggs I am hatching for one of my customers are starting to hatch, leghorns and leghorns x rir. Also got my lavender ameraucana youngster snatched by some varmint today, I think it was a hawk. This predator problem is really getting old. Those young birds were in a fenced area near the garage, which is right next to the house. Of all the birds it could have taken, it had to take that one. Ugh.
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So I took the young birds out to show them to a buyer yesterday. I moved their feed and water under the lean to. I sold the guy some chickens, then went inside to cool off. My neighbor came over and we were chatting, and I said, Well, I better go put up those chickens before the hawk gets them. So we went out, and there was the hawk, killing one of my faverolle pullets! Naturally, I didn't have my gun on me but it was a large red tailed hawk. So my theory was right about the killer being a hawk.
I set up some cabinets with a countertop in the garage , and did some cleaning in there. My to do list is about a mile long. Got a good part of the skirt on the chain link run yesterday as well. Today the guy is supposed to come fix the well pump but I am not holding my breath. Must wash clothes and pack for the trip. How will I ever get ready?
We decided not to go on our trip, both of us are tired and having back pain. Too much to do as well. The guy finally came to fix the well pump, but he needs to get parts and will not be back until Thursday . But at least it is running for now.
It is unseasonably hot and dry. I am putting extra water pans and drinkers out for the chickens, and hooking up the fans in the barn.
Some times a trip is way to much trouble to do.It has rained here 3 times all spring.Way hot and dry.We are going to a chicken swap in mid MO next week.It's a huge swap with 3000 people on Saturday.It's always fun but a 6 hour trip up there,
Is anyone else worried about climate change? I have never seen it this hot and dry so early .

It is terribly hot.. we are building two new pens that will be divided (making four) so I can finally separate some of my layers.. picked up a VERY NICE trio of Speckled Sussex that I can't wait to get some pure eggs from.. plus babies from Deb are hatching this weekend.. so excited..

Well back to work before it gets too bad - the sky looks overcast--maybe a sprinkle from the tropical storm in Florida.. we shall see

We finally had a bit of rain, and we had some water in the pond, but it dried up. Sprinkled a bit more today. So hot most of the time I don't even want to go out. I sold my Buff Brahma rooster and two hens today. The guy wanted more but didn't have the $. Eggs are not selling and feed is costing me a lot. Time to cut back more. Tomorrow I am taking some goats to auction. Finally got my buck back, so hopefully in 5 months we will have more babies.
So the fellow finally fixed the pump for the well. I sold 6 EE hens today, and went and bought feed. Took two bucklings to the sale. I hate to see them go, they were sweet fellas, Hershey and Snickers.
We were able to finish the last of the two coops Tuesday -- that fine tuning stuff that seems to take up a bunch of time. I went to move the Quad of Speckled Sussex over and the darn rooster was missing..the next day, we looked EVERYWHERE for him.. not a feather.. nothing. I started making calls to find a replacement and the oldest I could find was 4 1/2 months old.. picking him up today. Well when I was feeding yesterday..who was back--you guessed it.. the rooster..very hungry and although I asked him repeatedly--he would not tell me where he had been.. so before he could vanish with a full stomach--I caught him and reunited him with his ladies.. not sure my roving romeo is pleased..but I am..
I picked up my grandson on Wednesday so life has been chasing a 22 month We are going to the auction tonight and although I do have some things to sell.. I would have to spend his nap time on the road to take the cages -- then go back at 5:30.. not sure I am going to do that..although it will be the same situation next week and I will definately need to sell some of the chicks.
Spent yesterday post-nap period doing a bunch of errands. On my trip to south GA to pick up Austin.. I discovered that the air-conditioning in my son's car DOESN'T WORK.. goodness it was miserable.. so got that fixed yesterday.. made a trip to Wally-World to get some much needed groceries.. and then went to get my cell phone won't accept text messages.. and the salesman was YOU HAVE TOO MANY SAVED TEXTS.. to which I replied.."Will deleting them solve the issue".. when he said "Couldn't hurt".. I snatched my phone and left.. I will take it to my usual store after deleting some if it doesn't correct...can I say that I absolutely HATE going to Verizon store for service.. although I love my phone and the coverage...arrg

Free -rangers are fed this morning.. now let me see if I can sneak in a shower before Austin gets too active. Right now his juice cup, blanket and cartoons are all he wants.

Happy Saturday everyone

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