Only Lethargic 5-week-old in the Brooder?! HELP PLEASE


9 Years
Jan 24, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
Got up this morning to find one of our 5-week-old chicks lying down lethargic and breathing rapidly on the straw brooder floor. All of the other babies were fine and active. The waterer had tipped overnight and I refilled it - the other babies went to drink, but the patient did not. The patient tolerated having her beak dipped in water a few times and some of it went down, though a few drops of brown watery stuff came up. The patient is now wrapped up in some towels and snuggled in beside me as I write to you, with its eyes closed (hopefully just sleeping).

These chicks have never been outside"on the ground. we have an older pullet (3-4 months old) flock in another enclosed area also not on the ground. It is possible that we did not wash our hands between handling groups every time, but all other birds in both groups are perfectly healthy.

What could this possibly be?! And how should I care for this adorable little patient??
I would get some SaveAChick or other brand of electrolytes and add to the water. Dip it's beak as often as possible all day long. If it seems no better, or having diarrhea and remaining lethargic, I would try treating with Corid (amprollium) for possible coccidiosis. Also make sure there are no wet spots in the bedding since that can lead to mold and brooder pneumonia (aspergillosis.)
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