- Mar 11, 2015
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- 35
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The first year I got chickens I started off with two pullets a Silver Grey Dorking and a Black Sumatra and everything was perfect until this year. The year I decided to add chicks to the flock. My oldest chicks are 9 weeks old while my youngest is 2 weeks old. I have 6 black sex links and two started showing symptoms of a respiratory illness. They had a weird croak and sounded congested and occasionally would sneeze. I did not treat with antibiotics or medication but I did add peppermint leaves and garlic to their water and within two weeks all symptoms were gone. I added those two to my outdoor flock as they were big enough to leave the brooder and my outdoor flock is doing well. Now one more black sex link is sneezing but has a softer croaking sound, only this time the chick appears pale? I know with a sick and possibly contagious chick I shouldn't get anymore chicks but when I saw one of the chicks on my wishlist on Craigslist, how could I refuse... I brought said wishlist chick (Frizzled Dominique) and a Bantam Cochin Mix home and it wasn't till I got home and held the Frizzled Dominique to transfer from the carrier that I noticed a slightly runny nose and a horrid smell coming just from her face. The Bantam does not smell as bad but it is not that pleasant chick smell either. The Bantam gasps quite a lot especially after drinking water and has some yellow crust on his/her nostrils though not a lot. They are both eating and drinking and are very lively. I am worried the two new chicks may have Coryza. They are not in the same cage as my other baby chicks but they are very close (about 2 feet) could my other chicks become infected? The Dominique is 9 weeks old and the Bantam is 8 weeks old. Also a friend left me her only hen to watch over and she is very separate from my baby chicks but she is outside with my two hens and the older chicks. While giving my friend's hen a neck scratch I noticed that her hen has lice! I quickly checked a few different birds in my flock and none of them have any lice or any that I could see anyway. Could my birds get the lice from my friend's hen? What do I do about the lice already on my friend's hen and what could I do to make sure my flock doesn't get it? I'm sorry this is really long. This is all so frustrating to me. I just want them all to grow up and be healthy but it seems that I get one problem after another. I need advice!