Ontarians!! cocci treatment.

freerange freaks

12 Years
Jul 21, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I think I have a rampant case of cooci. Mucousy, bood tinged poop. We have been having very humid, wet weather. I can't find a vet to do a fecal float so I was just going to medicate without a diagnosis with either sulmet or amprol, whatever my feed store had. It turns out they are not allowed to sell any products for treatment of cocci.

What am I suppose to do? I can't wait much longer. They are all eating and drinking right now and I don't want them to start dying off. How do other Canadians get access to drugs? I feel so helpless. Is there any other way to treat my chicks?
Hi Free Range...sorry you're having problems. I don't know where you'd get any cocci treatments around here, esp if TSC doesn't carry it. Personally I haven't had to search it out (yet). I have read though that adding DE to chicken's diets, and sprinkling dried shredded coconut on their crumbles or pellets is a good way to rid of any viruses and parasites.

Sorry I can't help any more!
Didn't I just read on here the other day to give them milk for cocci? I'm pretty sure I did, that is what they used to treat it with in the old days...although our milk these days is not quite the same
That's an excellent suggestion. If you can find organic whole unpasturized milk, that might do the trick! If you're close to Quebec, I believe it's legally sold there, or you could try a farm with a couple dairy cows to see if they'll give you a litre of their pure milk.
Thank you so much for your suggestions. I have whole, raw goats milk so I'll try that first thing. And hopefully the babies will hang on 'til monday when I can get in touch with a vet.

How will I know if the milk is working? will the bloody poop stop the same day?

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