Ooooops..It's not day 18 its day 20! Updated Pics page 4

I leave space between my cartons and the sides so the chicks can move about and dry off. If you just have a little space all around try moving the cartons to one side or the other tight, or leave an open space in the middle

this is working well for me

Day 20 here. Just checked and two are pipping. I have them in one of those 18 holer paper egg flats
I'm on day 21 and not a single pip! I'm going nuts. What the heck? Are they trying to kill me here? We had to leave and go to a fundraiser thing and I was so upset that I'd miss something. Yet I came home to NO changes whatsoever. Apparently nobody wants out!
I have one out and there are still 5 pipping. Some with nothing yet. I am going to church shortly. Will let you know this afternoon.
i have about 50 serama eggs going in the hatcher tomarrow and my 5 swap eggs going in the next day. the breeder for the seramas told us that's the method he uses and has better hatches so we will be trying it also. will post how they all do. it's funny to just find this post cause we have been debateing on weather to try it or not for a few weeks now.
My temps have been remaining nice and constant at about 100 - give or take a 1/2 degree. No great fluctuations other than day 15, when the temps started rising (assumably due to chick development) but I was home all day and just turned the heat down as needed. It never got a chance to spike or anything. I didn't buy a hygrometer until about day 12, but at that time humidity was reading between 46 and 52. Once I upped the humidity at the end of day 18, it was reading 66-71%. (Just a regular hygrometer, not a water weasel.) Now this morning when I woke up, I heard somebody chirping, but no visible pip. An hour later, I finally do have a pip. And it's one of the eggs that I had marked about halfway through as having some veining, but after that, it just was too dark-shelled to tell if anything else was happening. So it's nice to see a "questionable" one has made it this far. I don't know why they're slower to hatch, but at least now I know not to give up on them. I was so hoping to see a chick this morning, and after all this effort, it was so disappointing! Well... who am I telling? You guys all know how it is!

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